Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ultrasound Says Ga Lmp

Between the utopian and the real

Por: Claudia Guerrero Martínez

Constructoras periodísticas…

Obras de información mal hechas e inconclusas

Con el escándalo protagonizado por Marcos Theurel Cotero y el dueño del periódico Noreste de Poza Rica, Julio Domínguez Canales, quien se jacta de ser “prestanombres” del más poderoso funcionario en Palacio de Gobierno y quien curiosamente, se envalentonó en un acto de toma de protesta del nuevo holder of the IAP, Gonzalo Pita Ramírez, attended by the Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán and saying "water is" demanded the tithe money, three million pesos, said Dominguez Channel resource paid, for work in South status, opening the Pandora's box of rigged bids and remote control to seudoperiodistas, who one day woke up and said, I will be a journalist. Most of these "entrepreneurs of newspapers" do not have the profile to have the responsibility to inform the public and see the environment as a tool of harassment, extortion and repression applied to weak governments, so to speak, they obey the game imposed on them. Now these business journalism, from the beginning of the Administration of Fidel Herrera Beltrán, feature construction, which are just local, with little furniture and having a prestanombres, in order to bill and that the State Comptroller will not detect the appointment of works lawfully by "dedazo." For example, COEDUCA, which is at the forefront Karina Aguilera is one of the state institutions that designates direct award, works to these journalists-builders, too, directly by the Ministry of Finance and Planning, make the " fake "bid in a sealed envelope, to comply with the protocol. The trend control the media to "small works" for several million dollars, are used by these "business paper" because they only sell that paper and not the notes in different journalistic genres. These cosmopolitan newspaper business travel to Vegas or elsewhere aphrodisiac with the proceeds from the State Government and they forget that they got it, with the instrument of extortion. All this is a consequence, as we have said in other columns, weak governments, who follow the rules of these "journalists" who boast of being, having several years in the middle, but are unable to do one page, without passing through the corrector style. Give the list of those would be unnecessary, since you only have to exercise to read some newspapers, to realize their corporate and editorial hierarchy of paint everything red, newsletters and photo-induced. Grave indeed no one has addressed this tough fight and that the intestinal heat caused the paper's owner Northeast, make the free show, "won him hat", the presence of state president himself ... Or is it already had the parcel Marcos Theurel window? There were blows to the face and some believe that up to kick the Secretary of Communications, who for several months, we are giving farewell but refuses to resign, not knowing how to justify the diversion of resources to other areas and payments to builders: Yes, those who do know how to build good works are the ones that are not paid, unlike the millionaires advances duck builders of these journalists blackmail experts who start work, spend the advancement in luxury and leave those unfinished constructions, with the excuse that the state government does not pay them and retaliate by starting a campaign of "sun Trapitos and complaints ", stopping it, when it is so desired check of Finance. This is an important activity of some journalists who have posted both the PRI, which we forecast a membership equal to their commitment to citizenship. Elizabeth Morales
... I bit the language talking about sport
The federal MP yet, Elizabeth Morales has taken tooth and nail against the new PAN candidate for the district of Cordoba, Carlos Manuel Hermosillo Goytortúa, better known as Carlos Hermosillo, who was nicknamed "The Big One Blue Hill" and is, how much it hurts some, one of the sport of football have always put our state high, but did not want to recognize some PRI. Elizabeth Morales Garcia, who several years ago, out of obscurity to lead a television program on RTV "You are not alone" which is not known if she pays the duties of the issue or the State Government itself, which helps vulnerable and in need of an answer to their problems. This program, at the beginning had the respect of citizens, it was altruistic and nonprofit election later became the PRI platform, airing at every turn, that gratitude is exclusive to the Government of Veracruz. This program is not possible to speak of characters that outshine the philanthropic work of the Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán. As a reminder, the federal MP is Chair of the Committee on Youth and Sports and unfortunately with the appointment of Carlos Hermosillo PAN candidate for Cordoba has launched a campaign against them on their "bad management in the CONADE." There are some things that remind Elizabeth Morales as their lack of interest in obesity in Veracruz, the state being the number one fat, by bad habits and lack of implementation of strategies to lower the high obesity rate. Moreover, up to several officials ignore this campaign not only be announced on television and our MP, instead of constantly making campaign, accompanying the Mayor of Xalapa, David Velasco Chedraui to all events and externalize its obvious aspiration to be President or Secretary of SEDESMA Xalapa, had done some intensive campaign to help change eating habits. Furthermore, should support the sport and athletes in Veracruz, they were paid trip to China, because the state government sent only to the elect, with disastrous results, traveling the same Elizabeth Morales to China, along with Carlos Hermosillo expenses paid by the CONADE. Another issue omitted Elizabeth Morales Garcia is the management's own Carlos Hermosillo, to host the Central American and Caribbean Games in 2014 to be held in Veracruz, winning later, with the support of Fidel Herrera and Carlos Hermosillo, because to join, reached the headquarters to the Central American Games and the Caribbean ... For What You forgot already? ... We are not and the sad part is that never criticized the management of Hermosillo Goytortúa and now, you're the spokesperson for luggage, attacking anything that smacks of Hermosillo ... What makes the money and also the preferences ...? ... that change the perception of reality and commitment to other public office ...


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