Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lorna Morgan Free Sets

Arnaldo-the-Dalmatian gets on his bike still half asleep. He went to the set of her new movie recording promising launch to fame once and for all. But something happened.

In the first corner on the left something is wrong. Arnaldo falls and bangs his head against the asphalt. Unconscious. The ambulance doctor Alejandro duck comes in a few seconds and transferred to hospital Carlos Van Buren.

Arnaldo wakes up with a strong light in his eyes. A doctor observes the reaction. Something is wrong, it can be seen in the face of Dr. Alexander. After a series of tests, Arnaldo sit in the office. As I speak, the face of our actor Dalmatian change radically. I will not expected.

The diagnosis was a Vision Syndrome Degenerative . For now the use of special glasses, later who knows. But what does Arnold was sure that the world is not ready for him. Unfairly he shall be adapted.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Skin Tab On My Inner Labia

Quirino Moreno Maybe

Flats faithful ... how many are missing?

* Are all leaders arrested cane?

* Negotiates payment of PIS Velasco Chedraui

* Walls in jarocho port

* Case *** No trial ...
cuentassss out the ... According to the Fourth Report, the fourth year of government of Fidel Herrera has delivered 122 000 "Floor Faithful" to recipients of all ... In the SEDESOL Veracruz, in the administration of Felipe Calderón declared that it delivered 88 thousand words ... that if the goal for the state, according to INEGI, is 350 thousand ... remains to be delivered only 140 000 ... Why Alberto Silva says that in 2009 it delivered 200 000 Floor Faithful? What about the 60 thousand more than is being offered? What, the INEGI does not register? Or rather, what will happen to those resources? ...
*** Let's see, see! Is it true that one of the authors of the many anonymous Internet messages sent to journalists is, among others, a close relative of Yunes Linares, but a native of Cordoba? ... ***
Jolinez! Yes, it is a fact that the relaxation of sugarcane savers let down by their leaders and begin to contaminate everything ... there are more organizations are beginning to react against ... guess which political party ...
*** Caracoles! Certainly assure us that among the leaders who were arrested cane are not all they are, or are all they are ... In fact, assure us that the fattest out there, walking around and scratching his belly ... and yes, it's an excellent idea to publish the photographs of all those who have yet to grasp ...
*** Salucita! That Friday, after 20 hours, Gov. Fidel Herrera parade through the main streets of the city, along with the Hawks team members to celebrate the triumph ...
*** Manque angry the rags! And this Sunday will be the convention to choose a candidate thin Ricardo Osuna, to go after the federal council ...
Urban Xalapa *** In Comapa ... We report that the Secretary Juan Humberto Garcia, SEDARPA, paid to producers in drought affected last year in her town of Comapa in Cerritos congregation ... The payment was 675 thousand dollars ... They were paid to 603 producers with 750 hectares affected in this event ... Secretary was accompanied by the mayor of the place, Carmen Canton
Croda ... ... *** A flea agricultural SEDAPRA The fleet, led by Juan Humberto, brought on behalf of Fidel Herrera Omelaca, with investment from the state government, 900 thousand dollars in various agricultural products such as water tanks Rotoplas, farm implements, tractors, sprayers ... The event was accompanied by Mayor Omealca, Alfredo Lezama ...
*** warmth ... that Tenochtitlán was the Undersecretary of Regional Infrastructure SEDESMA, Alberto Silva, inaugurated on behalf of the governor, Fidel Herrera Beltrán, annex of City Hall, with an investment of close to 800 000 weights, as well as roofing and fencing of the school "Justo Sanchez" ...
*** Cement to church ... The local representative for the District of Misantla, Marilda E. Rodriguez, Mayor Abdon Anselmo Sanchez and the secretary of the SEDESMA, delivered to the Board of Construction of the local church 25 tons of cement, as a contribution from the State Government, in order to end in the next 4 months this great work ...
*** Flats everywhere ... Silva Ramos today presented 500 "Floor Faithful" in the city of Coatzacoalcos ... On Saturday and Sunday delivery in Poza Rica, Cazones de Herrera, and Gutierrez Tancoco Zamora
*** Good start ... ... That the Mayor David Velasco Chedraui trabón was a delegate to the BANOBRAS, Eugenio Pérez Cruz, to discuss the financial schemes to restructure the credit of 476.8 million pesos that the City Council maintains Xalapa to this institution for the Integrated Sanitation Program (PIS) in the city ... The idea is to reach an agreement to find an alternative that allows PIS does not impact the economy of families jalapenos ... 80 ***
playground ... that to encourage family life from childhood to Veracruz, the State DIF presiding Rosa Borunda de Herrera has 80 playgrounds equipped with an investment of one million 500 thousand pesos, equal in number of locations marginalized ... been instructed by the president of the State DIF, this program benefits more than 80 thousand children who need a space for healthy recreation, fun and full development ...
*** Zaaacatelasssssssssssss ... The first tourists who arrived in this region to enjoy the Cumbre Tajin 2009 have experienced problems getting via road, because several signals are wrong ... Particularly a sign that read "Cumbre Tajin 09, Festival of Identity", is what has caused confusion as to where the arrow directs you to the boulevard that connects with the bridge Cazones II, on the way to the town of Tihuatlán ...
*** A gringada ... It says an American tourist looking for the Road to El Tajin when a remark made him drive the wrong way and went to Plan de Ayala, in the municipality of Tihuatlán ... *** Support
tots ... In the presence of teachers, administrative and support, as well as students and parents, Guillermo Franco Vasquez, mayor of Perote, handed over the works in the community of La Gloria, accompanied by the local authorities and Kenya Herrera Fernández, receiver only, and Mario Hernandez Arellano, first ruler of this administration ... began with the delivery of rehabilitation Kindergarten "Bertha Von Glume, with an investment of $ 137, 927.14 ...
*** No fair ... that the tenants of the market on February 5, Minatitlan manifest in the Plaza Lerdo provide them with the required support from the Fund which have not been delivered to retailers by the floods last ... This is for Felipe Calderón and his gang of SEDESOL ...
*** What a novelty, Hidalgo? ... Esteban Gómez Hidalgo, Councillor Twelfth Xalapa City Council, said executives of Medical Specialty Center Veracruz committed themselves to closer supervision in the handling of the waste deposited in the containers ...
*** Fashion to benefit ... Yesterday the president met DIF Boca del Rio, Patricia Lobeira Yunes on health campaigns conducted by the DIF, to which he replied: "Right now we're done the pattern of mammograms are about 250 women participating in this campaign so important, let's make 250 mammograms and follow us in supporting these causes of health, not just women, but family health, that all people of Boca del Rio are well, we want to do a fashion show on April 3 starting at 7 pm at Plaza Banderas, the entry will be ticketed people who want to participate must buy your ticket, everything is in order to continue raising funds to continue doing these types of campaigns as important "... ***
jarocho Paredes at the port ... We felt very good today is conducted in the Port of Veracruz, the Conference of the reform laws, with three commemorative event: 09:30 hrs. Memorial Civic Act in the House to Juarez. 10:30 hrs. Cultural event in the grounds of the Reformation. 11:30 hrs. Great event in the auditorium of the Port Authority ...
*** In Veracruz with Benito Juárez ... There may shake hands with the president of the PRI's National Executive Committee, Beatriz Paredes Rangel, the state leader of the party in Veracruz, Jorge Carvallo dolphin, the president of the National Organizing Committee of the Bicentennial Celebration of Independence Sesquicentennial Law Reform and Revolution Centennial CEN of the PRI, Rodolfo Echeverria Ruiz, Carlos Domínguez Milian, president of the State Commission, as well as distinguished guests and party officials in the country ...
*** Uncover, but sewer ... The congressman Laviada Iñigo Hernández and-white dome were part of a Machiavellian plan to build refinery in Tuxpan not ... If true, how little ... political vision ... ***
going right ... The convention delegates Coatepec District to elect a candidate for federal deputy Yunes Zorrilla Pepe will be in the Hall of Coatepec Red Cross on Saturday 28 ... In this district there is no change ... It seems that in Mina, yes ...
* ** New, troops ... How nice that the IPAX has delivered a major batch of uniforms, consisting of 540 shirts, 507 pants, boots 574 and 595 caps for elements of the law enforcement agencies belonging to the headquarters west of Xalapa ...
Heat *** the cops ... Carlos Rodríguez Velasco, IPAX Commissioner, presented these uniforms a group of elements in the Gym The Lagunilla of this capital city of Jalapa ... He went to the auxiliary police and told them of important transformation process that exists in the institution, where each of its members is a cornerstone for the proper functioning ... He was emphatic in stating that in this dynamic image of the elements is important and consistent delivery is consistent renewal process with that institution ...
*** for Engagement, hammers ... Yesterday we saw the parade through the main streets of the cities of the State of Veracruz, which starts the Annual Mexican Red Cross 2009 ... Waiting raise several million dollars ... that monthly expenditures have exceeded the financial support they receive from state governments, municipal and private donations ...
*** Perfectoooooo ... They should know that the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán authorized support them with 100 thousand dollars per month, while the mayor helps them with 45 000, however, are insufficient for the maintenance of the units and the hospital, and the salaries of all staff that work there voluntarily ...
*** Put PEMEX, give ... Salvador Sanchez, head of SEFIPLAN, said the reduction in federal contributions to state and municipalities amounted to A total thousand pesos to 24 million current and operating expense ... They are requesting delivery of the resources of the oil surplus ...
*** The key to the city ... We learned that in the presence of the President of the State DIF, Rosa Borunda de Herrera, the head of the Municipal DIF, Ainara Rementería Coello, municipal first lady, Patricia Coello de Rementería, authorities and members of the delegation Norwegian to strengthen brotherly ties and trade with Veracruz, the Norwegian princes Veracruz land received the keys to the city from the mayor of Veracruz, Jon G. Rementería Sempé, being the Princess Mette-Marit of charge to receive this distinction. The Veracruz munícipe held the distinction of delivering the keys to the city to the Princess of Norway, received the honor for his visit to the port of Veracruz ...
*** A curtain of smoke ... that before the complaint by the PAN against the governor Fidel Herrera and the PRI, the use of the term "faithful" and "fidelity", the president of the State Steering Committee of the PRI, Jorge Carvallo, ensures that this issue is a final decision and reiterated that it is a smokescreen, that political institution, since it was settled by Trife in 2007 ...
*** Accounts ... It is a thing of the past and in its time was resolved unanimously in the Upper Chamber of TRIFE Constitutional Review Judgement 142/2007, against the PAN for the same case on July 26, 2007 ... Carvallo Dolphin said that unlike the PAN, the management of public resources in the government of Veracruz has been done with a high sense of social and transparency, "can refer to the Public Accounts approved by Congress," said ...

The environment is interesting to observe how the enemy Our main policy is his own mouth ...
few weeks ago, "someone" has been charged with driving on the Internet political statements, same as today, in time, have proven to be lies or broken promises, which for case is the same ...
For example, on Thursday circulated one of the billboards of the former candidate for president of the Republic, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, in which he proposed the immediate elimination of taxes on Vehicle Ownership ... Today, that candidate by these proposals and others, and is president of the Republic, but the tax on Tenure is still there, as immovable as unconstitutional and arbitrary ...
And there has also been seen in "Big Red" a campaign video that made the PRD candidate Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Solorzano as the head of the Federal District, which he won, taking as one of the main standards decline taxes, the number and amounts of them ... When Don Cuauhtémoc took power realized that these taxes was the "hope" that great city, far from eliminating or reducing, the increased number and size ...
Other documents video that has been for the story is that of former PRI candidate for governor of Veracruz (one of eleven who had at that time), Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, who in one of several national television interviews in briskly denied the possibility of finding another party other than the PRI to make it to govern Veracruz ... Yunes Linares said, words, words less, that "I am, I PRI been and will remain "until the end of all time ... But it is now, Yunes Linares is one of the most distinguished supporters of the PAN militants, one of his sons is the PAN mayor of Boca del Rio and the other was recorded as alternate candidate to the federal council of Veracruz, also by the PAN ...
no doubt that the Internet serves to refresh our memory all ... And "the fish dies from his mouth" ...
Emails: quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com entornopoliticoveracruz@gmail.com entornopolitico@hotmail.com columnarepechaje@gmail.com

2006 Kates Playground

From Playoff STPSyP

Sign cooperation agreement with Ministry of Labour AC Pro Productive Employment Foundation

* Veracruz will remain vigilant, and will leave for job protection and preservation of investments: AZM * Secretary of Labor and Proempleo, narrow efforts.

Xalapa, Veracruz March 19, 2009 .- In order to join efforts to provide tools needed to underemployed and unemployed people in Xalapa, and micro and small entrepreneurs independent, the Foundation for AC Productive Employment and the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Productivity, signed today an agreement which establishes a strategic alliance to strengthen the Employment Support Programs.

During the ceremony Dr. Salvador Gómez Merlo, vice president of Pro Jobs talked about the importance of joining efforts private and public sectors to support the target population in difficult times that are derived from the global crisis.

In turn, David Bouchez Gómez, President of the State Training and Employment (ESCC) said that together with the Universidad Veracruzana and the Foundation for Employment, National Employment Service (SNE) multiplied its reach to encourage investment and development of micro, noting that most of them only have a productive life of less than one year.

After a tour of the facilities of the Foundation for Employment, CP Reyeros Rodrigo Campos, President of the Foundation in Xalapa, said the growth of programs that operate nationally and recognized the government of Fidel Herrera Beltrán for their commitment in the creation and strengthening of companies in Veracruz and Xalapa special.

The agreement provides support by means of material and human resources, for individuals to be employed or self-employed, emphasis on entrepreneurial initiatives, production and training to create or improve a small business.

turn, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, who attended with Dr. Edda Arrez Rebolledo, Director General of the SNE, pledged joint efforts between public and private sector to support the government joint pact to confront the crisis that had issued in recent months the Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán, noting that in light of the economic recession, only the social dialogue with the productive sectors, with commitments and strengths of employers and concrete actions by the public sector at all levels, is how you can mitigate the worst effects of the crisis in the state, "Veracruz will remain vigilant, and will break at work for job protection and preservation of investment, only then will we be able to grow in adversity." Said Secretary of Labor in the state.

Also, the agreement signed between the state agency and the Civil Association, includes training, support for productive projects through the Self-Employment Promotion and direct coordination of all programs operated by the Ministry of Labour through the National Employment Service

Boston Terrier Neutering


Improve the roads of central region
State Xalapa, Ver. March 19, 2009 .- Roads in the central region of the state, which serve to mobilize the agricultural and fisheries production in the municipalities of Medellin, and Tlalixcoyan Jamapa, as well as tourists visiting the Laguna de Mandinga in Alvarado, receive attention within State Patching Program, said the director of the State Roads (JEC), Silvio Martínez Lagos.
said that in these actions, there is firm commitment from the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán of providing roads in good condition to trigger trade, investment and jobs that require the Veracruz.
explained that the road Medellín - Jamapa of 10 kilometers, work began patching and rebalancing in the most damaged, benefiting both populations with a lower travel time and increased safety for connecting with the federal highway that goes to Alvarado.
said that the deteriorating conditions of roads Laguna Tlalixcoyan - Alley and Mata Espino - Ignacio de la Llave, the JEC will perform the patching and regrading to improve road traffic conditions.
Similarly, it concluded the work of the Branch to the Mandinga of 1.5 kilometers, to leave it in appropriate given the proximity of the upcoming holiday season. The actions in the section also support aquaculture practiced in the area on the lagoon.
Finally, Silvio Lagos said the JEC is working on several fronts in the state, because the needs are many and municipalities need to be supported.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sebaceous Cyst And Epson Salt

From Playoff

For Quirino Moreno

Few officials will save the flat
* Innocent Fidel Yáñez, wasted
* The Agricultural Tianguis, Emiliano Zapata ...
* Carriers, again * Of course you
go to Allende ...
*** Nones, pure pairs! No, things are not as good as they claim to make you believe the governor, who by now had perceive all the fights there and the low profile of some of its officials do not give a ... Fidel Herrera should be watching now that very few officials to save the plane ...
*** And when I say? Certainly among the PRI, particularly among the candidates for federal deputies, since the crisis began to make the phenomenon of broken promises made to them and then ignore the very promising professionals ...
*** Matanga said "Change! And they saw that the positioning of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the television spots, over which the PRD Convergencia? ... We'll have to see if Dante Delgado is trying agency to a candidate, Andrés Manuel or solicitation is to a political party ...
*** What happens then, eh? Yes, Yáñez Inocencio, president of the Fundación Colosio, the PRI is a very underutilized yet ... And it gives the impression that it is for fear that they put more in the entity's political ploy ... and they want to lock themselves tricolor ...
*** Do not mess! Throughout this administration, the government headed by Fidel Herrera Beltrán has established a number of agreements with public and private institutions, organizations and government entities, same as it has fully complied. Why not explained that as a "grid" the attitude of the mayor of Ciudad Mendoza, Dulce María Romero, who attacked yesterday here in Xalapa former Secretary of Finance and Planning, Javier Duarte Ochoa, because they do not have covered 316 000 414 pesos two months ago gave the Treasury to purchase the property "Filters", in which the state government a long-standing conflict settlement with the workers of the Company Industrial Veracruzana SA (CIVS).
*** Have you forgotten? What they forget is that the PRD mayor for land purchase agreement was signed in which the state government agrees to cover the resource to the City of Mendoza. The fact that no longer Javier Duarte is at the head of the Sefiplan not mean that the agreement will not fulfilled, it is a valid legal agreement between institutions of government. The Sefiplan shall comply with the terms and return the amount at that time provided the City Council through the Mayor. What others are eager to attract attention.
*** For there was the matter! Mayor David Velasco Chedraui held a working meeting Wednesday afternoon with the delegate of the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras), Eugenio Orestes Pérez Cruz, to discuss the financial schemes to restructure the credit of 476.8 million pesos that the city of Xalapa has with this institution for the Integrated Sanitation Program (PIS) in the city ... The meeting was attended, among other city officials, the receiver Antonio Ballesteros Grayeb, the head of Operation and Finance of the CMAS, Ferro Manuel Andrade, and the municipal treasurer Carlos Blanco Mota ...
*** Greetings from Shrimp ... Shrimp thank the Governor in the works that benefit the public in compliance with their duties as manager, we learned that the congressman Héctor Yunes Landa, president of the Coordinating Board Policy LXI Legislature of the State, visited some communities in the District who represents ...
*** There is ... There, in shrimp, Héctor Yunes inaugurated works with the government of Fidel Herrera, and the City, for the benefit of the student population in primary and telebachillerato telesecundaria ... Along with Mayor Carlos Fermín Fernández Alarcón, opened the local fair, in which residents expressed their gratitude to the Governor and expressed their pride in being farmers ...
*** Tianguis Emiliano Zapata ... That's fleet yesterday was Juan Humberto Garcia Island, anti the Omealca, providing support to the field, directed by Fidel Herrera ... But tomorrow morning will be in the municipal seat of Emiliano Zapata, Agricultural Thon to benefit the metropolitan area to Xalapa ...
*** Gid Explore ... Yesterday, very early, we saw that the governor Fidel Herrera opened the Xalapa-Tuxpan flight of the airline "Gid Explore", which will soon expand its services to the area Papalopan; go to German City, Minatitlan, Poza Rica, Córdoba and Veracruz Fidel Herrera ... delivered the first flight boarding pass Xalapa-Tuxpan, at the start of operations of the company ...
*** Quack, quack, quack ... Alejandro Salas, regional manager of Pemex Social Development, said the state of Veracruz always be able to receive in 2009, 350 million pesos to benefit municipalities to compensate oil industries ... the oil industry is being carried out in those places ... Of course, it promises to make roads and ducks ... PEMEX does not meet their commitments, and make them spin to the local oil wells ...
*** The duck achiever ... In the central and northern Veracruz, 35 municipalities will benefit from these resources from next April ... These resources, we know, will be provided according to the needs of each municipality and receive in kind or financial contribution, for asphalt, fuel and projects ... of entry to the field and livestock activities, is not it? ... ***
We want to see ... PAN ruled out for the possible disqualification of Julio Saldaña Mora as the PAN candidate for federal council Precinct IV, the alternate Fernando Yunes Marquez can take ownership of the formula with a deputy ... say and ensure that formula Urtaza Francisco Gutierrez de Velasco as the return would only ...
*** 38-dolls ... The period of notice of Xalapa 2009 Miss Tourism pageant will end this March 27 ... So far the young people who have registered for compete at the highest municipal beauty contest totaling 38 ... Miss Organizing Committee Tourism Xalapa 2009 reported that all young people wishing to participate should request information by email: sritaturismo@hotmail.com http://senoritaturismoxalapa.blogspót.com blog and check where is all the information on the contest ...
** * With all the power of Vicho ... This year, like last, the organizing committee of Miss Tourism 2009 Xalapa has the full support of the City of Xalapa and Mayor David Velasco Chedraui and civil partnership and Miss Tourism Veracruz culture, whose general director is José Luis Férez Paxtian ... The registration and participation in the contest are free ...
*** Requisitos.com ... The candidates of Miss Tourism Xalapa 2009 must have a minimum height of 1.65 meters, being single, be between 17 and 22 years of age, have the written permission of their parents or tutors and have no commitments to agencies hostesses and / or models, among other features ...
*** Step without huarache, noooo ... It is spreading the word that the demonstration called by the CANACAR against rising petrol and the diesel next March 23 is larger, and carriers of the state of Veracruz decided to join the call for better ... What if it is up to negotiations something?, well I say I ...
*** Poor Charles, stupid ... This is Carlos Demun Pitol, the famous president of the Mexican Association of Employers of Passenger Transport, who has traveled to Mexico City to meet , we say, with leaders of urban public transport, to detail and agree on measures to be taken to that date ...
*** For the benefit of the Foundation saw Gilberto ... Okay Mariana Murguia, the young president of the Municipal System DIF-Xalapa , opened the bazaar sale to raise funds to benefit the Foundation Gilberto, it was sponsored by a leading brand of clothes ... He said he was proud to participate with its members to perform a work of heart, which will benefit a large number of vulnerable people ...
*** Oooooooooraleeeeeee ... Laura Lira, upon his arrival to the federal delegation SEDESOL, he said simply: "The mission now entrusted to me, requires a consistent and responsible work, so that the Federal Government's social programs continue to reach those who need them, so that each day is closing the gap of inequality in the poorest areas of the state of Veracruz " ... I rang Josefina Vazquez Mota, say, sounded and smelled me, of course ...
*** airmen in Tuxpan Trail ... That concluded the State Roads Rehabilitation Fausto Vega Santander airport, opening a new stage in the development of Tuxpan and upstate, on receiving the airlift flight, tourism, industrial and commercial Xalapa-Tuxpan, in Explore Gid carrier, preamble to the Cumbre Tajin 2009, to be held from 18 to 22 of the present ...
*** As grama ... Silvio Lagos Martínez, director of the State Roads Commission, flatly says the instructions of Gov. Fidel Herrera The Board concluded the work of resurfacing and marking of the runway of the airfield and ready to receive commercial flights, because of the realization Tajin cultural festival 2009 ...
*** Below tuuuu ... Miguel Angel Hernandez, manager of Active Integrated PEMEX Veracruz, said that because oil wells located in Tierra Blanca Alvarado and are drying up, authorities Pemex will invest this year 5.800 million pesos for exploration and exploitation ...
*** For Cardenas, guys ... LXXI To celebrate the anniversary of the Petroleum Expropriation, the mayor of Veracruz, Jon Rementería, was yesterday morning to memorial , where he highlighted the important work that the oil industry has had both at home and abroad ...
*** What beautiful, very beautiful? Chula ... Américo Zúñiga, Secretary of Labor, Social Welfare and Productivity, reported that in the north of Veracruz many companies are hiring staff from other states ... They should be
*** amarrando.com Tuxpeño ... ... "While is certainly right, although recruitment is free, it is also prudent to point out that society requires us to defend the jobs created for ourselves, in which unions have to stipulate in their terms of their collective agreements that should favor labor of those who live here, the Veracruz " Fidel is the line that pulls Americo Zuñiga northern entrepreneurs and do not duck ... *** Princeton
... That Veracruz Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltrán and members of the White Cross Foundation of Princeton University, USA placed on Tuesday afternoon the foundation stone of what will be the facilities of Multiple Assistance Center (MAC) number 46, which educates and prepares children with special needs ... ...
Veracruz *** There bigeye face in the coming weeks a dry season until next May, which will result, in addition to supply problems water in urban areas and the conservation of cattle herds, an increase in forest fires ... Before this, Veracruz is alert, prepared, coordinated and linked with relevant federal agencies, said the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán to lead the extraordinary meeting of the State Council of Civil Protection in Hall of Flags of the Government Palace ...
*** yaaaaaaaaaa ... that Deputy Raul Zarrabal Ferat stated that before approving a new budget extension to IEV, will require a real analysis to determine if this is truly a priority in a non-election year ... The deputy member of the Standing Committee on Finance of the State says that this time only has handled the issue informally, as they have not sent written requests to the local Congress ...
*** More of the same ... Well, now is the turn of the Barzonistas famous Veracruz, leaving the stage announcing a national crusade for not paying your credit cards in the month of March ... is to say that in the first week of April in the Plaza Lerdo, representatives of the statewide Barzón make incineration of plastics bank ... just clarify that this is neither the solution nor the way, just set the tone, point ...
*** And so we get ... Jorge Reyes Peralta, defense attorney sugarcane growers disappointed wit Model, reported that the leaders and the leaders of embezzlement have to enter the Ignacio Allende prison, or otherwise lodged a complaint against director the CERESO, Victor Gerardo Hernández Vera? ...
*** To build CAM 46 ... It is said that on behalf of 45 students with disabilities, the city of Veracruz Puerto donated land measures 50 meters long and 50 feet wide for the construction of the School of Multiple Assistance Center Number 46 (CAM 46) "Cruz Blanca Initiative" located at Calle Jiménez South and Santos Pérez Abascal, the colony Ortiz Rubio of the city of Veracruz ...
Free Admission *** ... There's an invitation for the exhibition "The pain of Colombia", the MSc. Fernando Botero ... The Veracruz Institute of Culture, through the Pinacoteca Diego Rivera, invited to the inauguration of the exhibition ... It's Saturday March 28th at 13:00 pm at JJ Herrera No. 5 ...
*** scratched the delegations ... Yesterday began the Annual Mexican Red Cross, were delivered 12 ambulances to the delegations located in Poza Rica, Pánuco, Martinez de la Torre, Xalapa, Cordoba, Orizaba, Nanchital, Veracruz and Coatzacoalcos, by FIDE Uncle government, like every year, the ruler always remember that the institution had saved his life, a subject we all know ...
*** With the Poza Rica oil ... That the Governor Fidel Herrera start the march and parade commemorating the expropriation of oil and as part of the festivities that take place in this county. He was accompanied by Mayor Pablo Anaya, Secretary of Health, Manolo Lila, the director of the State DIF, Zita Pazzi, and the general director of Social Communication, Alfredo Gandara ...
*** Good, very good ... We see it as a very good choice that raised Carlos Garcia Mendez, the owner of SEDECO, the recognize the fighting spirit and tenacity to develop the talent they have people with disabilities to be productive, inviting them to become entrepreneurs and not fear, because in addition to the credits that can be given, many a word, they also offer training and orientation to place in the markets its products and services ...
*** The economic crisis ... Hugo Vega Morales, the general coordinator of advisors of the Secretariat of Government of Veracruz, said: "At least 3 000 families who for various reasons , especially the economic crisis have failed to pay the financing of social housing and that this is overdue in the hands of the company Scrap II may restructure its loan with real property valuation and a discount of up to 70 percent ... *** Good
stop them ... eight days ago agreed with the general director of the company "Pendulum", Michael Smithers, who manages the estate "Scrap II", forget the amount of debt that is being managed and new appraisals will be made to restructure the loans, since in most cases was taking three to four times the value of the property, which is not matched with funding of social housing and of course left him see Hugo Vega ... *** As
should be ... We learned that the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party in Xalapa, Miguel Angel Cabrera, Cabrera came out what, but in defense of the former mayor of this capital and current candidate for the federal delegation, Ricardo Osuna Bardahuil ... Among politicians will see ... *** Your tranquis
, Reyes Peralta ... Samuel Juárez López, director of Prevention and Social Rehabilitation, confirmed that the four leaders still convalescing cane at the Civil Hospital in this capital by an upset stomach, "Because they are in medical treatment" ... dice high will be transferred to criminal Allende, to face justice, after the formal order of imprisonment for the crime of fraud ...
*** Sure to be the Allende ... All because on Tuesday, the Buenos Aires Jorge Reyes Peralta attorney demanded the removal of the 4 leading to criminal Allende cane in the port of Veracruz, after gave them the order of imprisonment for the crime of fraud of a little over 500 million dollars ... is so elegant and refined answers Juarez and Lopez, from the Calle de Bravo: "We will wait for the director of hospital communicated to us as we are on trial for the respective procedures "... I invite tuuuuu
*** ... The Secretariat of Civil Protection makes a cordial invitation to the Fourth Public Consultation Forum Veracruz Program. On Climate Change, which will address issues related to actions to address the global challenge of climate change effects, likewise, will be received suggestions and comments to the Plan Veracruz, in order to perfect and strengthen preventive measures Veracruz ...
*** For Poza Rica ... The opening of the 4th Forum is held on Thursday March 19 at 10:00 pm in the Library Services Unit or USBI of the Universidad Veracruzana in Poza Rica, located Boulevard Adolfo Ruiz Cortines in No. 306, Colonia Social Work, between Sierra and Cedar Fair, municipality of Poza Rica ... In http://www.veracruz.gob.mx pages, or www.ine.gob.mx and www.uv.mx http://www.proteccioncivilver.gob.mx may find query information and details and objectives of the forums ...
*** The reflection of my life ... As part of the commemorative events this month of women, the Municipal DIF Boca del Rio and the Municipal Women's Institute made this day the great conference " A Reflection of my life ", by Adriana Macias, a young lawyer with a disability, and where they attended more than 300 women ...
*** That neither that ... Patricia Lobeira Yunes, President of DIF Boca del Rio, said regardless of the programs carried out through the DIF to address the physical health of women and to provide better career development opportunities, also works at providing security and confidence in themselves ...
*** It is a reflection of your life ... " We can not leave out the self-esteem and motivation of women, we wanted to do this talk, the speaker Adriana Macias is a young lawyer with a disability, she talks about what is the reflection of his life and how many people can motivate because he had a difficulty in his life and that's not done to stop doing things, she continues, I think it's a message that we must give to all women of Boca River, "said Patricia Lobeira licensed.
The Environment
errors committed by the governments of the Republic are in fact plenty of blame and not just one ... The bad government had, at the time, very poor opposition or an opposition accomplice. Therefore we have always maintained here that the opposition parties had a special importance in the key moments for the country ... but very far from that, they became accomplices of the bad governments ... sometimes fear and sometimes by personal or group interests, but complicit in the end ...
today at the federal level has touched the PRI to be the opposition, we are struck by the fact that the tricolor han ido asumiendo, en mucho, el papel "rijoso" del que siempre se habían quejado de sus opositores, el PRD y el PAN… Y lanzan acusaciones y señalamientos, como antes lo hacían sus adversarios políticos, a los que por cierto comparaban, en tono de chunga, con las cantantes Paquita la del Barrio o Lupita D´Alessio y sus letras para y contra los hombres.
Lo que no ha podido encuadrar bien el PRI es el discurso de propuesta, el posicionamiento de la idea y la creatividad… Generar un discurso novedoso que atraiga a los ciudadanos, que venda una nueva imagen de partido… Un instituto político que más que insultos y descalificaciones, ofrezca ideas de solución, proyectos, programas que aglutinen toda that experience who claim to govern ...
The lustful, all political parties should be being forgotten and replaced by capable people, with imagination, preparation and knowledge of economic issues, social and political life ... that offer viable alternatives to the problems of the nation ...
raise the level of debate between political parties is an urgent matter ...
Emails: quirino.moreno @ @ entornopolitico.com entornopoliticoveracruz@gmail.com entornopolitico@hotmail.com columnarepechaje

Brazilian Wax Testicles

From Playoff

Tenochtitlán, Veracruz, on March 18, 2009 .- The Undersecretary of Regional Infrastructure SEDESMA, Alberto Silva Ramos, opened in the name of State Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán, annex of City Hall with an investment of around 800 thousand dollars, as well as roofing and fencing of the school "Justo Sanchez."
Accompanied by the local representative for the District of Misantla, Marilda E. Rodriguez and the Mayor, Abdon Anselmo Sanchez, the Assistant Secretary of SEDESMA, presented to the Board of the local church building 25 tons of cement as a contribution from the State Government, in order to finish in the next 4 months this August work.
Silva Ramos reported on Friday that will deliver 500 apartments faithful in the town of Coatzacoalcos and Saturday and Sunday doing the same in the cities of Poza Rica, Cazones de Herrera, Tancoco and Gutierrez Zamora.

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Secretary Juan Humberto Garcia Sanchez made the payment to producers affected in last year's drought will Comapa municipality in payment was Cerritos.el pesosse pay them 675 000 to 603 producers with 750 hectares affected. in the event the secretary estubo accompanied by Carmen Canton Alcaldeza Croda site. photos mims 4109 and 4142 and was made a gift Omelaca tianguis agriculture in the state government Invesiones was 900 thousand dollars in various agricultural products such as Rotoplas, farm implements, tractors, sprayers. the event was accompanied by omealca Mayor Alfredo Perez Lezama

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By Celso R. González Veracruz
Thousands of families who have performing loans INFONAVIT, will benefit from discounts of 70 percent in its debt facilities and fair payment to clear your home, being that overdue INFONAVIT was acquired by the company "SCRAP II", who already has 100% solved the problems, since the state government, business with that company, in order to make a real and concrete evaluaos each of the properties and that so the beneficiaries can access to 70% discount on your debt and if you do not have enough resources to liquidate immediately, will provide new credits from 20 to 25 years with a lower fixed rate or otherwise be made for socio-economic studies government to support those with less economic resources, adapting their potential payments to each of the debtors, they unveiled the LAE, Hugo Vega Morales, Chief of Staff of the Secretary of State government, noting that when the company "SCRAP II", had already increased the value of the properties up to 300%, which drove the debtor falls behind even further in their payments, the credit being original plus interest that was generated over the years, turned into unaffordable loans and failing to be social housing, indicating the state government official who managed that company must first assessed to real value of each properties and hence depend on how much will you pay the debtors of those houses, so this agreement will begin to pay off next week, so people have called to come to the modules to be installed in Poza Rica, Puerto Veracruz, Xalapa, Cordoba and Orizaba, that's with the aim that people do not have to move to Xalapa City to perform such management, Moreover Hugo Vega Morales said that the state government implemented a program of support to debtors, in order to help people to minimize debt, regardless of who want debtors of banks, with the IMSS, with Ministry of Finance, Public Credit and foremost with those who lend money with high interest affecting hundreds of citizens ...

symbolic cooperation with the Mayor of Misantla, Álvaro Mota Lemon and municipal authorities began collecting Annual Red Cross as volunteers elements that make up the corporation will be asking the cooperation of citizens, that in 2009 A Red Cross Help You! Like every year this noble institution that began 139 years ago altruistic north of Italy, calls for the cooperation of the people to continue saving lives and Misantla, is no exception, C. Feliciano Alvarez, executive committee member of the group, said that this activity is scheduled to take place from March 18 until April 19 for what he said "The Red Cross is not who they represent is and for everyone, so the mayor Álvaro Mota Lemon expressed his solidarity and concern for the precarious situation in which the Red Cross is working, and committed to continue to support not only this if not to other institutions that enable the development of this county, noting that some time ago was very concerned when he learned that the Red Cross was about to close its doors for lack of funds, so until today we have supported, but not good enough because they have many needs but continue to support so that neither this nor any other institution to abandon Misantla, after receiving a symbolic gift from the mayor, Jasmine Lemon Mota, director of Municipal DIF, also made a contribution on behalf of Mrs. Gloria Galicia Mota, president of that organization of care, Thus the distinguished institution expects to exceed the amount of 30 thousand dollars was collected in the collection last year, money that is used for living expenses that are generated throughout the year and which is insufficient due to the large amount People who are treated, as well as material costs generated by the property, in that event was attended by Mayor Alvaro Mota Limón, the sole trustee of the City, Jorge López Herrera, the director of DIF, Mota Jasmine Limon Councilman José María Virues; Octavio Miranda Doran, president of the Improvement Board; Feliciano Alvarez, vice president of the Committee of the Red Cross, Elizabeth of Rosa Flores, director of the Regional Hospital ...

They started the wars between Cosamaloapan municipal authorities, headed by René Chiunti Juan Hernandez, militant leaders and General Workers Union of Peasant and Popular (UGOCP), who heads Margarito Montes Parra, who is pointing to the Mayor of Abuse of Authority, for attempting to leave the public forces with a group of militants UGOCP, who for 20 years are in possession of a property in the community of Francisco I. Madero in the municipality of Acula, that an area of \u200b\u200b176 hectares, but now it Cosamaloapan Mayor said to be the owner when is outside their area of \u200b\u200bhis municipality where Chiunti governs Hernández, more however still use your local police to evict these people who are already negotiating with the bank that has that property but, as a moment another will pay the cost of the land, indicating that so far have not displayed knowledge Mayor Juan René Hernández Chiunti as owner, much less as a future buyer ...
As always working in each of those areas of the body of Veracruz, the Mr. Juan Humberto Sánchez García, head of SEDARPA, made the payment to affected farmers in the drought last year in the Cerritos community belonging the municipality of Comapa, being helped by the amount of 675 thousand pesos, benefiting 603 producers, with an area of \u200b\u200b750 hectares affected in the event was accompanied by the Mayor of Comapa, Maria del Carmen Canton Croda, then moved to Omealca municipality, which conducted the Agricultural Tianguis, where the state government awarded an investment of 900 thousand dollars on several products that were given the benefit of the municipality, in that event is also accompanied by the Mayor of Omealca Alfredo Pérez Lezama, which gives the official sample still working on the basis of instructions from the State President ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Postscript Color Printer


Moreno Q. Quirino

in Cardel, "sugarcane carnival or event?

* re-elected Don Abel Jacob Velasco

* Basilio de la Vega and rat ...

* See if the secretaries are Traveling Day

* No classes suspended for the Carnival Xalapan

*** Pos yes! Of course the carnival Cardel is the perfect setting for sugarcane leaders disappointed with their savings, make a demonstration great ... Especially, when Sergio Vaca, his lawyer told them that although they got us, became sick child and instead of bringing them prison, were taken to a hospital, where he soon will quiet ... Why such a provocation? ...

*** Wooden leader ... for nothing, which was re-elected Jacob Velasco Casarrubias Don Abel as the leader of the Regional Livestock Union of Southern Veracruz, with the 31 local farming associations belonging to the Regional. Don Abel has had great achievements, such as construction of multipurpose hall "Fidel Herrera Beltran, among other things. Congratulations ...

*** Democracy is ... well Yesterday fleet asked the media to Deputy Héctor Yunes jalapeños, if there really is strength of the PRI to support their candidates, to which he replied: "I want to say that I have traveled almost all the State, rather I have traveled across the state, during the pre-campaign and I have not seen that. As in all games, some are in favor of someone else at a slower rate, there Applicants who are or were candidates and who did not reach to be nominated, but that's democracy, sometimes you win, you lose, sometimes you do not nominate or nominate "... more clear, I do not ...

*** For today ... That H. Veracruz State Congress calls on Thursday March 12 at 10 am, a panel called "Reflections on a year of the publication of the Law on Access of Women to a Life Free of Violence" ... With all the deputies members of the Standing Committee on Equity, Gender and Family LXI local legislature, in the auditorium "Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada, the Legislative Palace ...

*** With livestock and farmers Uncle ... We were told that back in the south of Veracruz, the owner of the SEDARPA, Juan Humberto Garcia, was in the Activity Report of the Regional Livestock Union of Southern Veracruz 2008 ... On behalf of Uncle Fide les reaffirmed the commitment of the Government of Veracruz, to bet on livestock and agriculture in these times of global crisis ...

*** Circulating That young ... the Carnival of Xalapa 2009, the Directorate of Traffic and Municipal Roads , on instructions from Mayor David Velasco Chedraui vehicular traffic remain open on the avenue Rebsamen, in the section between Diaz Miron and Circuit Presidents, from 11 to 15 March ...

*** fishy "? ... We say that a social discontent, which led Augustine Basilio de la Vega, the SCT, to restart the paving work Huatusco-Elotepec section, hidden from municipal and state authorities and population, could assume that something fishy in that work ...

*** "Good things that seem bad? ... seems that the state leader of the CNOP in Veracruz, Elvia Ruiz, says not to do good things seem bad, because if there are irregularities in the work, with contractors or with the resources that were applied in the construction of the road, the Ministry of Civil Service will be detected anyway, but opens the work in the dark, without acknowledging the initiative and management citizenship, who ignored in their entirety and municipal and state authorities, which do not even notice ...

*** 5 º Parlamento.com ... That the implementation of the 5 th Parliament for Children Veracruz will be next April and is a space for children Veracruz exercise fully their right to participation and their opinions and proposals to build a better society based on universal principles and values, said Deputy Héctor Yunes Landa, president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress on the subject ...

*** Diputaditos ... with Representative Sagahón Clara Celina Medina, the District Convention to select the representatives of the 7th Parliament of the Boys and Girls in Mexico and 5 th Parliament of the Girls and Boys Veracruz 2009, at the premises of the legislature, the presiding Rep. Yunes Landa explained to infants responsibility, actions and activities of a local MP ...

*** Oraleeeeeeee ... That the District Convention, Veracruz children participated enthusiastically and reflected concerned about children's rights and various issues Veracruz, stating their concerns and proposals of mouth ...

*** Now comes the good part ... Thanking their show of support and affection for the thousands of PRI that greeted personally, shake his hand and ask for your support to achieve the nomination to the federal district council XVI, Javier Duarte Ochoa finished his primary campaign on Wednesday 11. In the sectional 1054, in house of the president, Dulce María Reyes Contreras, the candidate was also a recognition of the media who covered the 40 days of activities, "attentive to the messages, the attitude of the people and the environment we have lived in this pre-campaign, unprecedented process in the democratic life of our country "...

*** stuffed ... On the balance that makes the primary campaign, Duarte Ochoa said emphatically:" things are going wonderfully, better than we had planned, so I thank everyone who did me the favor to meet me and accompany me in this first stage, we live intensely energy charge me to seek the nomination and then, with your help, keep working, keep paying to Cordoba and the whole district a better place to live, where our children are the elements necessary for full development " ...

*** Thank you, thank you ... But Cordoba also thanked his party for "giving me the opportunity of my life, to try to contribute my bit to advance the development of Cordoba, Veracruz and country so I want to be your candidate, to try to continue serving, managing on behalf of municipalities, I think it has progressed, so good, but the effort must go on "...

*** What I say I fill up, caaa '... Yesterday, the mayor of Boca del Rio, Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez and Paty Lobeira Yunes, with council opened a small park, built on a portion of the surface of the Dren B Sewage Canal of Zamorano, the streets 8 and 43 of the Colonia Venustiano Carranza ...

*** Ah, "The Chiquiyunes" ... The boqueño munícipe said that this park is an example of how to be the work of ducted for that channel, so I said: "This is a small project but it is a sample how will the channel when it is covered in full, here were sewage, we are recovering these spaces for people instead of dirty water near their homes with parks and walkways "...

*** With the broom, pa 'before ... In the search for a clean and healthy city, the city of Veracruz Port continues with cleaning work in the various neighborhoods of the city, in response to the call that they overlooked in the metropolitan area ... Now it was in the colony Book II, having benefited more than nine thousand inhabitants ...

*** An old request ... That the Mayor Gladys Merlin back in Cosoleacaque, opened the paving of three roads in the colony Joseph F. Gutierrez and oversaw various works being undertaken at this place, after spending many years as a long-standing demand of the people ... with the body building complex and beneficiaries of public works program, which had cost more than three million pesos ...

*** In Puente Nacional, La Jornada 101 ... For Saturday March 14 at the municipal hall and annexes to the municipality of Puente Nacional, advised to take out the 101st Day Traveling Government Diagnostics, and Response Services, in order to provide personalized attention, Veracruz, by officials of Fidel ... You certainly do not come, saying that Uncle ... do not tell them what happened? ...

*** 16 secretaries ... Office of Government Days Traveling in conjunction with Open Monday program is a government strategy for public servant Veracruz have on hand and could expose their needs directly and obtain an early settlement, as has instructed the Governor Fidel ... But to be the 16 secretaries of office, as he said Uncle Fide, that's what they pay ...

*** "Let them go, going, going?! ... and record, which is the Secretariat of Government, through the Office of Citizen Services, which is calling holders state agencies to get there and get all kinds of demands of the residents of Puente Nacional and their congregations, as well as surrounding places like Sheep Pass, Cardel and Antigua, among others ...

*** Fidel strategists ... Because that 101 of Government Day will begin at 8 am with the Health Fair, where doctors and nurses SESVER and the State DIF, supported by highly skilled and mobile units will offer general medical and specialist in reproductive health, gynecology, oral health, screening for breast and cervical cancer, clinical laboratories and disease cardio-vascular diseases, which never fail Lila Manolo and Luis Fernando Antiga, in person ...

*** Laguna Verde, world example ... saw the aecretario That Work, Social Welfare and Productivity, Américo Zúñiga, who toured the Laguna Verde nuclear Salvador at the invitation of Edmund Mayer, general secretary of Section 134 of SUTERM ... was to see the facilities, to confirm the safety and health conditions in which they work more than 1,500 employees and be aware of the draft repotencialización that the power plant is scheduled for the current semester of this year ...

*** The Article 123 of the Constitution ... respecting the scope of federal jurisdiction that frames the Article 123 of the Constitution as to the jurisdiction of the electricity industry, Américo Zúñiga found working conditions in which they play work of power generation based on nuclear fission, and found cleaning hygiene and appropriate signage in all areas of nuclear power complex ...

*** Tours Just for reference ... you should know that Laguna Verde is one of the few in the 400 nuclear power plants worldwide, which allows guided tours, this derived from high levels of security that remains in the process from the beginning of its operations ... because it has complied with the strictest international safety standards, a certified operation and supervised directly by the national and international, for the application of nuclear energy will ...

*** The reactors 1 and 2 ... Rafael Fernandez de la Garza, manager of the nuclear, Americo Zuñiga said that the draft repotencialización of units 1 and 2 are required for casual labor, which allowed add about 2,000 employees working since January and will continue until June of this year, and where the priority was for hiring residents of areas near Laguna Verde ...

*** Eye, profes Puenteros ... The Ministry of Education of Veracruz (SEV) reports that due to the completion of Carnaval Xalapa 2009, no suspension of classes in the schools of this city ... The same Secretary of Education, Victor Arredondo Alvarez said a question states that school activities would develop normally during the course of the festivities of Carnaval Xalapa 2009 and reiterated its invitation to meet with the school calendar ....

*** All normalito ... The precise statement of the Secretary Arredondo has been sticking to the fulfillment of the school calendar, so it is reiterated that school activities on campus in the city of Xalapa should develop normally ...

*** you speak, do not play ... Secretary Victor Arredondo Alvarez urged all teachers, managers and students of this city, to attend this provision to comply with the school calendar usually force and continue to work together for educational improvement of Veracruz ...

*** Dude ... We're fine That all and every one of the inmates prosecuted for common law crimes of criminal de Allende will be transferred to prisons in Amatlán La Toma de los Reyes and Villa Aldama ... While the Federal inmates wait to be in operation in criminal Papantla, who is in charge of the federal government ... Because the criminal Veracruz will be moved to a new building in the town of Jamapa, Gov. Fidel Herrera said ... So, Samuel Juarez and Lopez is going to win with this implementation prison, well ...

*** Living and progress ... We were told Veracruz's government put into operation three new health centers-class communities in Victoria Delfino-Santa Fe, Veracruz Valente Díaz and Luis Echeverria in the colony, of Boca Rio ... With an investment of 10 million pesos, with the guarantee of care for more than 38 thousand inhabitants of the areas of influence, which is headed to Veracruz universal coverage planned for the 2010 ...

*** A SIGN ... Lanot of was learned that the trust related to the Middle SIGN Business or Loyalty program established for the Business a target of 150 million pesos to finance projects production of micro, small and medium businesses Veracruz, said the director of the department, William Wells ...

The Environment

When an officer of high rank ("with authority, too?) state government began a campaign media against a candidate (or more), to discredit, no matter that the applicant is the standard bearer for the same political party that led to his now head the executive branch, as happened ... Reynaldo Escobar Pérez, with all the power conferred by the office entrusted to the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán, is released the neck of the PRI candidate, Ricardo Osuna Bardahuil, trying to blame all the mess of cleaning up Xalapa, he inherited Escobar Pérez Osuna ... That, my dear deputy and president of the local Congress, Héctor Yunes Landa, can become a many other strengths that will reverse in the election of a deveras ... Perhaps as though the reporter who posed schematic is very good question ...

this Very similar to what is happening also in Xalapa Rural, where the young Silvio Lagos Galindo has to sort out these quirks ... but there are several districts in which the PRI's candidates do not need the opposition, as has enough missiles to send them daily from the comfort of the chair and the desk ...

Del powerful secretary of government all knew from long ago is not PRI, the PAN no, no converging or PRD ... but what, Nor is the governor's staff and Herrera Beltrán? ...

And what does the governor Fidel Herrera and state PRI president, Jorge Carvallo, these filthy that they are doing a lot of candidates of his party? ...

quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com


What's Happened To Cytheria


Visit AZM working conditions of Laguna Verde.

* Laguna Verde, such as global health and safety at work.

* Union and management, together trabajando de forma cordial

Punta Limón, Ver. 11 de Marzo de 2009.- El Secretario de Trabajo, Previsión Social y Productividad, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, today visited the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power at the invitation of Mr. Salvador Edmundo Mayer Baez, Secretary General of Section 134 of the Trade Union of Electricity Workers of the Mexican Republic (SUTERM), to see the facilities, observe conditions health and safety in which they work more than 1,500 employees and be aware of the draft repotencialización that the power plant is scheduled for the current semester of this year.

Respecting the purview of federal constitutional framed Article 123 as to the jurisdiction of the electricity industry, Américo Zuniga found working conditions in which they perform the tasks of power generation based on nuclear fission, finding cleanliness, hygiene and appropriate signage in all areas of nuclear power complex.

The Laguna Verde plant can transform through the "chain reaction" the energy contained in the nuclei of atoms, usable electrical energy, said Mr. Mayer Baez during the plant tour the whole process is within controlled and secure manner that allows the reduction of dependence the use of fossil fuel, which is reflected in an alternative for generating clean power, also referred to the Secretary General of Section 134 of SUTERM.

Laguna Verde is one of the few in the 400 nuclear plants in the world to allow guided tours, this derived from high levels of security that remains in the process, since from the start operations, has met with the strictest international safety standards, a certified operation and supervised directly by the national and international agencies for the implementation of nuclear energy will.

Accompanied by Director General of Inspection Work Lopart Ulises Ruiz and the Director General of Social Welfare and Productivity, Francisco Palacios Rodríguez, Secretary of Labor expressed its appreciation for the work that Section 134 of SUTERM been made to keep the Laguna Verde plant in the highest standards of safety and health at the national level is encouraging to see the work being done here in Laguna Verde, especially for the benefit of its employees, through schemes of work developed Commission Federal de Electricidad, which allow skilled personnel and a high sense of responsibility, So I am sure that this will continue employment in the right conditions that are reflected on a balance where everyone wins, "said the owner of the field.

For his part, Mr. Rafael Fernandez de la Garza, Director of the Nuclear mentioned that the draft repotencialización of units 1 and 2 are required for casual labor, which possible to incorporate about 2,000 employees working since January and will continue until June of this year, and where recruitment priority was for residents of areas near Laguna Verde.

During the tour of the nuclear plant, state officials accompanied the members of management and representatives of the executive committee of Section 134 of SUTERM.

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By Celso R. González

Veracruzana Research Agency, complied with the arrest warrant against three former leaders of the Ingenio El Modelo, members of the CNC, which are implicated in a millionaire fraud committed against 500-savers, this is already permission to come, since those affected sought the intervention of the Governor of the State, turning clear instructions to the Attorney General of Justice to take immediate action against these fraudsters leaders, so that after half a day was the undersecretary of state government, the Governor in the state treasury offices, looking to the same government secretary informed him that there were already acting as instructed, which was true that the current councilman arrested the former First Heredia Luis Trigueros, alias "El Campillo" former leader of the CNC, Apolinar López Domínguez, former Technical Secretary of the CNC and Eleuterio Acosta Perez, former head cane too, but also the Criminal Case 60/2009 which is based in the Fifth Court of First Instance, is involved and who are fugitives from justice at the moment are former leaders Arnulfo Hernández Carrillo, Daniel Sánchez Hernández, former leader and former mayor of the former, Jesus Palacios and Martin Fuentes Viveros Barradas, being that these leaders vivales and utilized the position he had as a leader, took advantage of hundreds of people invited to participate one a savings account, which would give them good profits each of the people to deposit their savings there, but what was the surprise to all those people that happened a few months they realized they were being cheated by what looked for a way to make a complaint and request the intervention of the governor as some people claimed to be untouchable but that is the result that these early and are now sleeping in good room in the Criminal de Allende, so will see later if they stop others involved or they will be the ones to pay the piper as has happened in many cases ...

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day will start the first Youth City Council, which will be the first to take place in the state, where it is being organized by the area Juvenile Hall, as will a few days in which young people become part of the Chapter Xalapa, have a great responsibility for the short time they will be in front and municipal authorities, because that way they will realize what the task some members of a council in a municipality ...

The members of the leadership of the Coalition of Veracruz, to recurrent crises and the current global crisis which is affecting the economy and quality of life for families the 5000 workers included the 14 unions and 2 coalitions have submitted Reinventing Model Economic and Social Development, as are seeing that they can continue with economic and social policy that only begets more inequality, which only favors the domestic and international economic elites, which has only as partners to the representatives of business organizations, so they need a deep Reform of the State, with true democratic participation of all stakeholders, so request that all political parties, legislators, to resume their proposal consists of ten basic points such as: the security of the person in your life and properties, the immediate withdrawal of energy costs, emergency wage increase, respect to the work sheet, wages and benefits, worker's basification, the immediate rezoning in all municipalities in Veracruz, a housing program for workers in the state of Veracruz, not to refer to the banks and builders, that the labor authorities to respect the constitutional principle human rights of freedom of association, the immediate withdrawal of income tax, reduce bank interest rates for credit cards and approval of salaries, it said in a short time to perform demonstrations and making necessary health facilities, to be listened to her fellow State Employees Union Health Service Veracruz and are met their demands and requests that have requested some time ago, so will see how it will make their protests in a group of union members that make up the COTRAVE ...

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The candidate for the council by the Urban District of Xalapa, Ricardo Osuna Bardahuil, met with members of the labor sector of the CTM, in order to seek their support, to support you to reach the application, being that this application will be in the district convention, which will take place in a few days later, so that the leaders of various unions affiliated to the confederation, gave his full support, as each one of those who did speak, gave his vote of confidence and told him that the day of the convention seek to be there on hand to give full support it deserves, being that all workers know who and how so much in person as a public servant and foremost as a representative of the people ...

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Deliver land to the families of the colonies Rafael Ramirez Lavoignet and El Mirador Misantla Township, which were affected in September by broken homes, which must be demolished because damage to the structure of the buildings are a danger to the public, after inaugurating a multipurpose room in the colony Lavoignet Rafael Ramirez, Mayor Alvaro Mota Lemon made the announcement that the city has already acquired the two properties to be two families relocated from the top of the colony Puerto Palchán, so the delegate munícipe instructed the colony, Roberto Arguelles Sanchez, to liaise with Victoria Hernández Marín, who would show him the land, after the news, Clara de la Luz Lopez, Colonia El Mirador, and Narciso García Díaz, the Lavoignet Ramírez, appreciated the gesture munícipe, who commented is a sensitive and close to people because they always relied on his word and thanked him on behalf of the settlers the support they've given us, first supported the construction of the house and now Don Chalino supported for Civil Protection of the State Government was pending, and geologists who came and just waiting for them to deliver the results of the studies, said Roberto Sanchez Arguelles representing colony, it is noteworthy that after the contingency, in coordination with the mayor Municipal Civil Protection requested the support of Government of the State, who had an excellent response, now these families will be included in a housing program for which they requested the purchase of land, with such actions, Mota Lemon fulfills its commitment to ensuring the integrity of citizens, primarily supporting the most vulnerable families ...

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On Sunday 15th of this month, will open one of the Houses of Motion, which will be on November 20th Avenue from the state capital, which will be the beginning of organizing by districts, Cologne, delegations, Municipalities , where you will meet the high demands for electricity charges, excessive charges on credit cards, mortgages, housing, seeking ways to tackle the crisis that is affecting thousands of Mexicans, this type of houses were installed on all 31 state capitals and in the 16 municipalities of the Federal District, where he was an agreement made at the Assembly National Meeting on January 25 in the socket, so you will see how productive it will be real and such actions as not only will be as many projects to attract attention and serve only to electoral period, as other of projects submitted and cast walk and after an electoral process loses track of such public charities ...

Velba Changing Interior


The AVI arrested three former leaders of the cane Ingenio El Modelo, for being involved in a fraud, savers in the former ...

Among those arrested today First Councillor of the Municipality of Antigua.

By Celso R. González.

were arrested only three of the fraudsters, who are hiding behind the initials of leaders cane del Ingenio El Modelo, which abused the ignorance and need of people living in Cardel, La Gloria, Ursula Galvan and Actopan .

As a group is affected approximately 500 people, which sought ways to denounce those leaders vivales ex sugarcane, which were misleading to insert their savings in a savings account popular, wrapping them in that they give a good monthly income.

When reality only poderles sought ways to remove your money, so that affected individuals seek the advice of an attorney, who immediately filed a complaint for, against leaders identified by the victims.

As the time passed and those affected did not see good results in their favor in the administration of justice in the state, sought how to request the intervention of the state governor, who immediately instructed the Attorney General of the State to proceed immediately to arrest those responsible for the fraud committed against the people who were seeking their support.

As staff Veracruzana Research Agency, complied with the warrant, which marks the Criminal Case 60/2009 of the Fifth Court of First Instance, being held today Regidor First Hall of the Old and Former leader of the CNC Trigueros Luis Heredia Alias \u200b\u200b"El Campillo, Apolinar López Domínguez, former Technical Secretary of the CNC and Eleuterio Acosta Perez, Former Leader Sugarcane.

And they were immediately taken to prison de Allende in the Port of Veracruz, where they already had to book your room as you enjoy these Easter holidays, so you will see that it will be testifying before authority in its preliminary statement, provided to fend off accusations that they are doing the 500 affected people took their money.

Although still missing other birds that are also the main heads of this mega fraud, since they are fugitives and are no less than former Mayor of the former Daniel Sánchez Hernández Arnulfo Hernández Carrillo, Jesus Palacios and Martin Fuentes Viveros Barradas, who were also leaders of the cane Ingenio El Modelo.

The dissenters in her complaint, show that in the month of February 2008 they realized they had been defrauded because they had met with Arnulfo Hernández Carrillo, who reported that they had no money and I did not know where he was, that cash, so that's when I started to look for other former leaders who had invited them to invest their money.

It subsequently found it necessary to withdraw, after enough time because they saw they could get their money they had invested much less profits.

now need to arrest the others involved in the fraud and not just going to be the three detainees who have to pay the entire amount defrauded.

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Elvia Ruiz Cesáreo

Given the social unrest generated by Basilio Agustín de la Vega CEO of SCT center in Veracruz to restart work paving of the stretch-Elotepec Huatusco hidden from the authorities City and State, and of the population, could assume that there is "something fishy" in the works, said Elvia Cesareo Ruiz, general secretary of the PRI CNOP Veracruz.

He said not to do good things seem bad, because in case of irregularities in the work, with contractors or with the resources that were applied in the construction of the road, the secretariat function public will be detected anyway, but opens the work in the dark, without acknowledging the initiative and management of citizenship, who ignored in their entirety and city and state officials who do not even warned.

Basilio not enough for complaints and accusations of his own party, when Rep. Mark Chambers of the PAN as questions about the allocation of works on friendship and incur serious subejercicios millionaires, by failing to apply resources for of Veracruz and having to return without reaching the benefits to the population, which is a crime, before the crisis that exists today.

Basilio If the intention was not to invite people to maintain some sympathy for some and officials affiliated with the PRI, would be even more serious because its raw performance undermines the fairness that should have its management and all public servants in any instance, in addition to the current election process.

On behalf of the PRI in Veracruz, this in no way implies any wrong, because what interests us is to manage the population, doing our civic causes as the saying goes, "with that of milk the cow, it does to repair "and to that end, people know who managed the work and sees that PAN officials are" showing copper, "the electoral activity of interest only, trying to hide their inefficiency can not control or weight, price will up flying, and will soon be storming them again indefinite transport strike, for they know not address or govern and political, all social programs insist on using them with electoral ends.

the end state and municipal authorities reserve the right reopened the works to be throwing out sneaking around the town.