Different representatives and leaders of organizations defenders debtors Barzonistas INFONAVIT and right holders, they made known the good deed that took the state government, in that they can be help problems faced in thousands of Veracruz with different banking units as well as INFONAVIT and speculators who wanted to strip of their property to people who for some reason had left debts to certain delays in payment of its debts, so also noted that thanks to the intervention and advice of LAE Hugo Vega Morales, Chief of Staff of the Secretary of the State Government, who somehow has been pending for each of the cases that have presented to the Governor, as representatives of debtors were all across the territory of Veracruz, in pointing out that they were always without any government support but this government administration has been supported by the state government as in any state where there are thousands of debtors and alone, but nevertheless indicated that in Veracruz was concerned and so far those who have requested his services have not suffered eviction judicial authorities, much less that they are removed from their properties ...
Vice President of the Mexican Association of Secretaries of Agricultural Development (AMSDA) Mr. Juan Humberto Sánchez García, on the morning of Thursday attended a Working meeting between the Special Committee for the Care of People Living in the Forest and Forest Technical Committee in the Congress, within the framework of this meeting, Mr. Juan Humberto Sánchez García made the following proposals, strategies relaunch Pro-Tree in coordination with states such as the strengthening of activities and actions of the AMSDA and therefore of our country's agricultural sector in the forestry sector, joint agricultural policies and social development with the development and conservation of our natural resources (Partnership, Opportunities, Pro-Tree), to promote and reposition the sector forest for their importance to sustainable and integral development of the country and in Mexico make to achieve sustainable development permeate as true policy of status, and added that another of the proposals is to contribute to the fulfillment of the goals of the Strategic Plan for Forestry 2000 - 2025, care articulated with state priorities identified in the sectoral plans and local laws, to promote the functioning of the national forest service and the regional forest councils, promoting interstate compacts, as well as promote the incorporation of the largest area of \u200b\u200bforest management under the premise that forest that is used for the benefit of their legitimate owners is forest remains, as in the relaunch is also counted as financing strategy for rural development, promote the value of environmental services for the purpose of that responsibility, the society endorse and contribute to their maintenance hubs also promote regional development based on potential forest such as watershed projects in the Gulf of industrial forest Mexico, the Huasteca and Northeast, directing resources to make them operational, not expecting to happen by themselves, likewise noted that as part of these proposals is to establish comprehensive policies that allow strict enforcement of environmental laws and forest associated instruments for the promotion and development (real operational coordination between SEMARNAT, PROFEPA and CONAFOR, allocating budget to SEMARNAT and PROFEPA according to it), to promote regional agendas monitoring and evaluation of goals and impacts of forest policy instruments, so the last representative of Veracruz said he should be consolidated from states and municipalities single action program in Mexico to the ravages of climate change begin the process of federalization to the states, such that proper and timely implementation of the resources of the three tiers of government and whether or not the protection of forest ecosystems and biodiversity in our country are a matter of state, it is urgent to promote integral attention to the issue, so as to promote their protection, ensuring sustainable rural development of the communities where our natural heritage, in that event were the Dip. Juan Victoria Alva Secretary of the Commission for Assistance to People Living in the Woods, Mr. José Guadalupe Roque Alamina Coordinador de Desarrollo Forestal y agropecuario de Quintana Roo, el Ing. Carlos González Vicente Director de Vinculación Internacional de la CONAFOR, el Dr. Carlos García Director de Política Forestal de la SEMARNAT y el Biol. Héctor Hernández Andrade Director Forestal de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Rural, Forestal y Pesca (SEDARPA)…
A partir del día de ayer y hasta el próximo 1º de julio la oficina del Registro Civil estará realizando la entrega de becas de promedio, enviadas por la Dirección General del Sistema Estatal de Becas, así lo indicó Rodolfo Alcaraz Aguirre, oficial del Registro Civil del Municipio de Misantla, en ese mismo tenor, el funcionario dio a conocer que son 859 alumnos, de nivel primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y profesional, los que resultaron beneficiados con estos apoyos que otorga el gobierno de Fidel Herrera Beltrán, por lo que de las 9 de la mañana y hasta las 2 de la tarde estarán otorgando estos recursos, ya que hacen un corte diario para informar al Sistema Estatal de Becas sobre el avance de la entrega, señalando que sobre los requisitos que deben de presentar los beneficiados, Alcaraz Aguirre indicó que el padre de familia debe de acudir con el menor para éste firme su cheque correspondiente, identificación del tutor y acta de nacimiento del menor y CURP, por lo que esperan terminar cuanto by providing scholarships, as the mayor Álvaro Mota Limón has entrusted this commission by the state government to lean on people who are benefited, since the intention is that this money gets into the hands of the beneficiaries those who have applied for these scholarships need to be present because they may have reached them of the action ...
Mortera Mr. Jorge Luis Delgado President Grouping New Mexico, conducted the swearing in the new Municipal Committee in running the front Jáltipan Mr. Emmanuel Balderas Guerrero. During the event, attended by Mr. Isidro de Jesús Martínez President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the Municipality, so Mortera Mr. Delgado noted that the New Mexico Association is concerned with promoting the new generation of politicians Veracruz, making room for the struggle of ideas and discussion of proposals always towards the advancement of Veracruz and equitable development. Notice also that soon will be reinforcing the PRI structure in the southern state as part of the commitment that the Association has with his party, and the Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán ...
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