Saturday, April 4, 2009
Laser Surgery To Remove Spectacles In Pune
For Quirino Moreno
Silvia Domínguez ... this time it?
* PEAK drift ...
* Tula and Salamanca?
* The Duck Mauritius disagreement
* Urge agreement
cancer ...
*** The form is bottom! Well, nothing, again, for lack of definitions and ability to realize things, on Thursday became the rumor that Secretary of SEDESMA, Silvia Domínguez, go and find a multi-member council ... later it was said that was not as head of a deputation, but the railroad as a substitute Victor Flores, Silvia Dona belied thing ... The simple truth, this woman deserves to be treated much more distinguished ... is a person with a lot of work and experience have not taken advantage of ... It
*** are slow! Here begins to miss one of those plays chess governor, to produce a change in Dona Silvia stop liking another Secretariat ... Here, in SEDESMA, it seems that there is no doubt that he would raise would be Alberto Silva ...
*** Excellent appointment ... that the president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress, congressman Héctor Yunes Landa, accompanied the governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán to the inauguration of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Administration 2009-2013; came Gonzalo Pita Ramírez, president-elect ... In making were Victor Arredondo Alvarez, secretary Education of Veracruz, David Velasco Chedraui, Mayor of Xalapa and Carlos Rodriguez Arcos, excellent head of the institution ...
*** What happens then? Very unfortunate that an organization as necessary and as strategic as it is the State Center for Addictions, "top", is assigned to a person who knows nothing about the subject, which has nothing to do with the field of Health and a lawyer, and Dahlia Landa Selene Santibañez, who certainly enjoyed only by the center about twice a week and only stays for three hours each time you attend .. The phone number that is marked is 018007019282 (a line which incidentally is almost never used ...) or if not 01 2299721473 or 74 ... and is located in Col. A. Delfino Victoria Community of Santa Rita Road pipes Soledad Libre Folding Veracruz Km 6.5 ...
*** So? Complaints, apart from the absence, are to the effect that Mrs. Dalia Landa Selene has no profile to guide the Centre Against Addictions and much less to take care of the Technical Secretariat of the National Council Against Addictions ... both activities require, of course, of people highly trained and very experienced in the field of health ...
*** combed, ATM, jalapeño ... We have that on the morning of Thursday was stolen another ATM in Murillo Vidal, so there consternation in the PIXBT, because they discovered the theft at 8 am ... The ATM of the bank Banamex, which was in the central Vidal Murillo Avenue, near the corner of Fascination, fractionation Dream, will appear as usual lying around ... And nobody knew anything ...
*** La Jornada traveling ... The Traveling Government Day will be held this Sunday at Tierra Blanca, where it awaits the arrival of the state governor, Fidel Herrera Beltrán key town in the district ... where the president is from Veracruz ... opens Policy
*** CANIRAC ... What were the deputy Héctor Yunes Landa, president of the Political Coordination Board of the LXI Legislature of the state at the swearing in of the state presidency and municipal offices of the National Chamber of Restaurants and Food Industry Spicy, CANIRAC ... the president arrived in Veracruz, Fidel Herrera, Secretary of Labor, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, Jerónimo Castillo Folgueras, would decree of Tourism, David Velasco Chedraui, Xalapa Mayor and Chairmen of the various municipal offices in Veracruz ... CANIRAC ***
campaign expenses ... Miguel Angel Cabrera, a leader of the PRI in Xalapa, confirmed that the PRI congressional candidate, Ricardo Osuna, of plane did not want his 70 thousand dollars that had been assigned his party ... What was he who absorbed all the costs of their pre-campaign ... But the campaign denied that repeat this action, because now they require more resources, to guarantee victory July 5 ... And with that delegate things will put him in line, the sample was placed in the district convention, where Jorge Carvallo gave all the power to anoint Ahued, I mean ...
*** Arturo Chimal deliver records ... Last Saturday took place the ceremony of certificates to participants of the Course-Workshop "Design and Evaluation of Investment Projects" organized by the League of Revolutionary Economists in the state of Veracruz and Veracruz Institute for Quality and Competitiveness, and conducted by the SEA Business Training Centre of the Universidad Veracruzana. Present at the event, René Álvarez Montero, CEO of IVECO and personal representative of Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltran, Roberto García Carrillo, coordinator of CECAP, Daniel Flores Gomez, state leader of economists, Roberto López Smiley, coordinator of the course and as members of the State Executive Committee of the LER ...
*** Have you seen this? The president of the Colosio Foundation, Innocent Yáñez Vicencio, on Carlos Hermosillo candidacy for the district of Cordoba, said: 1. That offends the citizenship application and makes it clear that contrary to Weber's thesis, the NPA believes that politics is done with the muscles and not to the brain, so I bet on the force, the militia, the anvil; 2. PAN thereby refuses to be a healthy option for society, and becomes only a choice of power, 3. Cancel the party as a social expression and pushes society to chaos, 4. As electoral machinery is only interested in the images and win by any means, 5. Their roles as agents of the State, its links with corporations, their absence from their members, they were uprooted, their ideologization, their loss of identity, expensive advertising, its appeal to a broader electorate and diffuse, 6. This explains why a former Espanyol player postulates that neither district is not known Cordoba and even municipalities that integrate it; 7. The PAN does not seek to gain from Hermosillo but use it for their whining with the media coverage that allows them to snatch the win court Javier Duarte, who polls show have a landslide, because voters will not vote for a stranger, by someone that nothing has done for them, who obviously is in plan of conquest, they want to change again for gold mirrors ...
*** Playa response Chalchihuecan ... the instructions of Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltran, the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Productivity, attended Chalchihuecan Beach, the town of La Antigua in time for clean-up of the same part of the "clean and safe beaches, you decide" ... With the assistance of about 250 people, from 8 in the morning the day started cleaning with the participation of personnel from the Ministry of Labour, workers employed by the City of La Antigua, as well as students Telebachillerato Jose Cardel, among others ...
*** Rosa Zúñiga Américo forever ... stressed the importance of promoting among students the culture of clean beaches, but said that the key is to create social awareness avoid getting leg, likewise, thanked the officials of the STP and its aid and voluntary cooperation for the exercise of the "Clean Beaches and Sure, You Decide ", led by Rosa Borunda, who has acknowledged his hard work and commitment ... You Decide ...
*** Aureliano Domínguez Moreno, constitutional president of the municipality of Antigua, and the Secretary of Labor, Américo Zúñiga Martínez on behalf of the Executive Head of State, led by inaugurated the program "clean and safe beaches, you Decides ", coordinated by the State DIF, in which all Government agencies are actively involved in various beaches and rivers of the Bank ...
*** can not say that ... We know that the former candidate for the Federal Provincial PAN, Memo Santos acknowledged that the PAN's national leadership asked for his resignation for Carlos Hermosillo take his place ... Of course, denies that his resignation was on duty and said it was the democratic right of the PAN ... In other words, Javier Duarte is hard over there in Cordoba ...
*** "Tula and Salamanca? ... Juan Bueno, PAN Senator criticized those who question the decision PEMEX authorities, to announce that the two finalist cities in the race to define the new headquarters of state-owned refinery in the Tula and Salamanca are ... The senator is confident that this decision was based solely on legal criteria, not political, so that those who speak without reason and question the federal government's position can say mass ... Is that a senator?, "Fine?," neat?, "consistent?, should be filled with bitterness ...
*** Power jalapeño ... so good in the Special Session of City Council Mayor David Velasco Chedraui citizens swore to serve on the Governing Body and the Directorate General Municipal Council for Social Welfare, by the Municipal DIF DIF ... The president of Xalapa, Mariana Munguia Velasco, said: "In this year of management by this organization, we realized that there are needs, so that the creation of this council this lag will have a solution, the support provided will be awarded in a transparent manner "...
*** For them ... Mariana Munguia Velasco also stated that this council will aim to raise awareness and create a sense of responsibility in all sectors of the city, be it public or private ... The Municipal Council for the Welfare certainly be a fundamental piece to complement the actions undertaken by the welfare agency in support to vulnerable ...
*** Marina grateful ... Each of the actions of DIF Xalapa is headed in the same line of work of Gov. Fidel Herrera Beltrán and State DIF holder Rosa Borunda and added: "I appreciate all the support they have given us, my husband David Velasco, to be always aware of the DIF in this city, of course the board members to support this great work, which will undoubtedly benefit the jalapeños "...
*** With the praiseworthy ... That the City of Xalapa was added to the collection of the Mexican Red Cross and donated 50 thousand dollars for this great institution, as well as policy makers and managers who contributed to this noble cause ... The Chairman of the local Red Cross, Gerardo Fernandez Carreto, received from the mayor a check that will serve for maintenance of the institution and continue to provide support all who need it ...
*** The final deposit their trash ... City Councilman Cosoleacaque seventh Commissioner on Public Clean, Julio César González, the statements made on the regional coordinator of Civil Protection in the area, called as baseless and irresponsible statements Memo Hernández Urbina, in the sense that Cosoleacaque is throwing their waste into the landfill that corresponds to Minatitlan ...
*** With Gladis line ... Julio Cesar Gonzalez, Cosoleacaque alderman says that they have their own area for final disposal of their waste, which is found in the contract made before the Committee of the ejido Tacoteno ... said that on instructions from the municipal president, Gladys Merlin, continue with the restoration of the area corresponding to travel Cosoleacaque with sand and special machinery for the treatment and control of waste ... ***
franchise program ... That the government of Fidel Herrera seeks to provide technical support to state enterprises to join the franchise program and attract new investors and commercial enterprises to the state ... During the Franchise Seminar held in Havana, Carlos García Méndez, Secretary for Economic Development and Port, said the aim of this program is to make more profitable businesses, products and services ...
Veracruz *** Notice to all users ... Gasperín Mario Olvera, president of the Association of Carriers in the State, said that as of April 15, employers Shippers' Associations of the State of Veracruz, the plane will be declared in default to banks, lessors and suppliers ... ***
mmmmmmm ... All because public transport companies throughout Veracruz passage reached this agreement after having no satisfactory response from the federal government, the demand to freeze the price of diesel ... see Mario Olvera left the way of increasing the rates could be a solution, unfortunately, would impact the bulk of the population, so that now the crisis is exacerbated for companies in the sector and will have to take a drastic step like that ...
*** I cry, cry, cry ... Mauricio Duck, PAN congressman accuses the director general del ISSSTE, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, and the youth coordinator of the fraction PAN paralmentaria, Víctor Alejandro "El Pipo" Vásquez Cuevas, for he claims to have imposed a majority of federal legislative candidates relative majority, including the former head of the CONADE, Carlos Hermosillo ...
*** The Strikes left ... Juan Carlos Mezhua, secretary of Migration Affairs CEN PRD gave only to assert that the nomination of Carlos Hermosillo as the candidate of PAN to the federal council of Cordoba is a sign of the desperation of the PAN to find proposals that would attract Cordoba vote, the lack of results that characterize the federal government
PAN ... ... *** The strong cartota John himself Carlos Mezhua forward to invite the former sprinter Ana Guevara, PRD candidate to head the borough of Miguel Hidalgo, in Mexico City, to tell us all the questioned Veracruz work of Carlos Hermosillo in front of the CONADE ... I think very clear we would not be needed ...
*** On the expenditure ... The President of the CDM of the PRI in Xalapa, Miguel Angel Cabrera, said that the PRI in Xalapa will promote the sale of drugs at discounts of up to 30 percent, to militancy and supporters access to them ... The PRI jalapeño, he said, will promote strategies to reduce food prices of basic goods that are sold in *** classic shops ...
Store is the word ... We are told that the State Roads Commission, headed Silvio Lagos, is finalizing the central painting of road-Sontecomoapan Catemaco, Catemaco - Coyame-Tebanca-Sihuapan-Calería-Eyipantla that more than 12 years had made this sign so important for motorists ...
*** The sanandrescanos know ... Tourists visiting the region will enjoy safe routes, probably increasing the length of stay ... In relation to the portions Tilapa- Waterer corner of Zapatero and the Board reiterates once again that their attention is not theirs, as unduly said Public Works Director of San Andres Tuxtla, who should be more concerned about applying the resources of the Branch 033, which includes the municipal road infrastructure, instead of wanting to transfer to another instance, municipal liability and certainly not wasting time attempting to modify the atrium of the beautiful Cathedral of Saint Andrew, who has rejected society sanandrescana rightly ...
*** They deliver a million dollars in "Faithful Flats" ... On instructions from the State governor, Fidel Herrera, undersecretary of Regional Infrastructure SEDESMA, Alberto Silva, visited the towns of: "El Chaparral" of Juchique Ferrer, "Las Higueras" of Vega de Alatorre and "Carrillo Puerto," Gutierrez Zamora, to deliver 350 "Floor Faithful", with an investment of nearly one million pesos ... Silva Ramos was accompanied by local MP, Marilda Elisa Rodriguez, the mayors of Juchique Ferrer, Abdon Lopez Garcia, of Vega de Alatorre, Roman Bastida Huesca and Gutierrez Zamora, Carlos Humberto Silva García ...
*** Super spicy ... If the former candidate of the PAN to the federal council for the District of Cordova, Emilio Gorbeña criticizes the former director of the National Sports Commission, Carlos Hermosillo, has come directly as a candidate for County Council Federal ... "It seems that this was already planned before, Cambranis said in Cordoba in Cordoba applications could handle, I do not participle in maneuvers. So I went out today to defend the rights of membership as well to determine who committed the adversities by the PAN, which is not Muiño is Muino ...
*** Eye Gorbeña ... What Senator Juan Bueno Torio endorsed the appointment of Carlos Hermosillo as the candidate of PAN to the federal council for the District of Córdoba, and said will win this political institution on July 5 next ... Did you see who made you the chamba? ... ***
Nooooooooo ... Now imagine that the series of disqualifications that have been following the electoral process within the PAN, through anonymous email militants from both internal groups have come up with the bucket, the director of the Interior of Boca del Rio Luis Humberto Tejeda, within the PAN denies that there is strong internal division ... not any, but they were given yet ... *** One of Chilango
... Well in Mexico City, DF, Fernando Platas, a former diver and gold medalist Olympic, Jorge Camacho, a former deputy director for the Quality of Sports CONADE, and the walker and medalist Joel Sanchez, is said to be nominated for deputies and a stage manager by the PAN ...
*** FERROSUR in sight ... Silvia Domínguez, Secretary of Social Development and Environment, said the work completed in June pluvial collector Jimenez, to avoid flooding problems in the division Floresta, in the upcoming season of rain, Boca del Rio ... Ensuring that the collector has not been completed because there is a problem with the rights of way with individuals and Ferrosur, as such land passes by the collector ...
*** Changes, changes, changes ... on Sunday April 5, Toño Hazouri Manzur take oath as the new president of the Municipal Committee of the PRI in Cordoba .. After rumors circulated materialized out of Francisco Cessa, confirming unofficial versions necessary signal leaving the municipal committee, to make way for Hazouri Mansur, who resigned as director of the City Social Development ...
*** This ... On April 17 the request for an increase of 50 percent in public transport fares made by the carriers, the Government Secretary Reynaldo Escobar Pérez, said that at present no plans to authorize ... If left to see what you are seeing now is the preferential tariff subsidy for students who ordered the governor Fidel Herrera, whose theme they are trying to SEFIPLAN ... "On 17 April we will meet to continue the dialogue certain solidarity among leaders of public transport both to the governor of Veracruz as the user of public transport, leave the subject there ...
Reynaldo is urgent *** According cancer ... Romeo Gonzalez Medrano recently published cancer in all its manifestations has become a serious global threat. It endangers the lives and finances, and contain no financial impact for their healing is such that both families and for the State will be impossible to successfully confront ... So when the scale of efforts has shifted more to the curative care and on the defensive, has clearly not been enough. The quality of life of the population follows a process of deterioration has been slowed and the habits of human beings for various reasons have not changed ...
The Environment
Besides observing whether the arrival of former Carlos Hermosillo player to the application for the federal council Córdoba be used by the PAN to tip a media coup, before political opponents of that district, in reality what to look for the PAN and all parties in general is flagging competitive candidates for their knowledge of the problems of the region they purport to represent, for their vision to find alternative solutions to that problem and bring it before the Congress, a development that is not acquired just by being a known person, in this case for the sport of kick, which Hermosillo was devoted some years.
But being known does not guarantee anything. It was also very known pugilist "The Spike" and it was very bad, it knocked out when they wanted to get into politics ... Well known is the famous "mocha-ears", which no one would vote if the policy metiese ... It be known and is prepared with sufficient closeness to the population being represented.
However, if the former player prove to be a good candidate, it will surely be welcomed by the opponents to other political parties there, after that while there are better candidates in the race, the better will be the level of debate ... There
in Córdoba, the PRI candidate, Javier Duarte, could give more to contend with a real competitive opponent ... which, I repeat, Carlos Hermosillo not guarantee just for being a sport known for football ... So, Javier Duarte could be competing with another candidate "Daddy" ...
quirino.moreno @
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