Undoubtedly the transantiago has been one of the biggest mistakes the last time, but mostly harmed the people of Santiago. While this is the entirely true, since virtually the money has been injected constantly coming from the pockets of all Chileans.
But this case is different, at least in its gestation . Because we cheated, deceived , finger they pointed and laughed in our faces . And that is not forgiven. Rather, we who use the Internet daily, do not forgive. And so it began to develop this citizen movement against the pharmacies involved in price collusion our drugs. And to finish, we realize that more money won at the expense of our own illnesses, as if this were not enough already.
why the digital funa like me. Is consistent with our times, ultimately We have modernized the way we organize to protest for our rights. And that form is great. So what better platform to use facebook , we visited every day, and sometimes more than once. So-called to defend Chilean consumers is remarkable.
And best of all, this digital funa not limited to this popular Web site, but so it goes. We can not forget the blogs , nontraditional pages Chilean news, among others. Anyway ... all resources you l Internet have combined to make this city a complete movement success, considering that more than 144,000 people have joined this April 7 do not buy into any pharmacy that is colluded in the scandal prices. Even have developed maps showing the position of colluding pharmacies and so avoid them at all costs, preferring those that are not involved .
But what strikes me is that the movement is not limited to those who have the ability to enter Internet - only 35% of the Chilean population - but the digital funa has been generous and wanted to gather all that are possible. So some people have opened motivadĂsimos this group of consumers defrauded in the glass painting their vehicles this April 7 at drugstores nobody buys. Others have turned to local radio and print media so as to reach the most affected.
So that I can only congratulate those thousands of citizens who have taken the decision to note their displeasure and have taken up the matter. While the fact that do not consume a day in pharmacies colluded, surely will not bankrupt, that at least this is a wake-up call to all . Hopefully now think more than 10 times before attempting to see each other. Because the method already. We know it works. And do not hesitate to use it next time.

http://www .pare.cl/farmacias/index2.html
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