Enrique Enriquez

(To be counted sitting on a skin of the African lion, which should have your mouth open and all his teeth)
A prince in the stands
Among the stories of trainers and trainers are incredible events and actions chilling, but the circus tents have also been unusual cases that instead of ending up in blood stained pink.
The most peculiar of all is that of Pauline Borelli a tamer who was terrified of wild beasts, especially a giant lion putrid breath and bad ways to be merciless with the poor girl, responding to their orders with menacing growls and bites. Pauline was gathering strength every day to deal with these beasts, and while never hurt, fear paralyzed her legs only to hear the lock open cage to let her go.
debuted in 1854 under the canvas of the circus "Napoleon" in Paris, making his daily ordeal in a public event. Why is this poor girl insisted on exercising a profession which had been so wrong? Because becoming in tamer sought to save her beloved father from ruin. Yes, his filial love the face every night carried their darkest fears in the midst of the track, surrounded by panthers, tigers and lions. But that did not last long, because it happened that one day a prince charming, we assume that the tram and not on a white horse, drew his wallet to pay his entry as everyone else, and once in the middle of the show after hearing about the drama of poor Pauline asked her marriage, saving his family from ruin.
Thus, as in a fairy tale, this beautiful girl left behind clues and cages filled with fangs eager to bite into her soft skin to surrender a happy marriage, where no one knows if you ever came to use his whip.
wild mane
The ladies of rank who visited some barbershop Stuttgart, back in the twenties, never thought when they put their heads in the hands of Claire Heliot woman that you were more familiar with long hair Cat woman's hair, or more skillfully handled the whip, a knife and gun the scissors and comb, or even dreamed that generally used to harass chairs the jaws of the world's most dangerous beasts, rather than transfer them to the back fat of their clients. There, amid tufts exchanged bows wet shakes neighborhood gossip and tips to combat the bad manners of their husbands, knowing that the hairdresser kept after her apron all the secrets needed to put the worst beast at bay. Under the rimbombate
title "The Bride of the Lions, had the honor Claire Heliot historic debut in the first season of the circus" Medrano "the circus circus in Paris in 1898. The taming of wild animals has always been one of the highlights of the circus, and even today is much more shocking when a beautiful woman who faces the tigers and lions, in contrast to his grace the fierceness of their students. Many years did the race this sensational tamer, who nevertheless lost all their savings in 1922, after which took a dramatic turn in his life.
Since then gave up the fame, preferring to place the head of their clients under a dryer breath warm and dry instead of putting itself between the jaws of a lion sinister, to live happily and peacefully, without ever renouncing the day they ruined, tired of dealing with four-legged beasts and opted for two. Tamer
Who can be sure what the future holds? Crockett James was rehearsing with the rest of the circus musicians Sager, happy life as usual, when a lion escaped from its cage terrorizing everyone. The roaring beast running after the poor devils who were in the circus at that time and jumped to a technician caught, devouring at once. When he raised his head still hungry Crockett met face to face and stared at him with the face of dessert, but here the musician took a chair and a whip and put in place that feline villain, saving everyone's life present in a heroic act. So, instead of becoming a snack, became tamer. After that premiere
the incredible James Crockett tamer formally debuted in Paris in 1863. Changed orchestral music by the roar of the beasts and developed a successful but brief career, a brief spark like the crack of a whip, who came to finish two years later in a similar way to how it began. It happened in Cincinnati in 1865, one of those rare moments of calm which are usually fatal. While wild animals fed a lady who was bringing her child went too near the cage of a hungry lion, than a blow snatched the baby. There was no time to do anything. Within seconds the carnivorous monster destroyed the boy swallowed half of his body while his mother crazy. James Crockett scene looked stunned, unable to do anything to save the creature and died the day after a stroke caused by printing, grief and remorse ...
Fang The Ballad
Instinct wild beasts crouching when least expected of men, and even, it is known that the most trusted tend to be the worst murderers.
tamer In 1846 the famous Van Amburg was eaten by his tiger "Edith." In 1869 three lions were responsible for the great Lucas. In 1891 Rosita Gondolf supplying his brother dies in the grip of the lion "Lydia." A Bright and Bertha Ellen Baumgarten their tigers were killed, as the great Soulanges, who bore the brunt of the intervening in a fight between a bear and a tiger. The Agop Armenian trainer died in the jaws of the lion "Lagardere, as well as poor Miss Fisher. In 1901 the trainer and hypnotist McDonald hamburger was made in the mouth of a lion. In 1923 Wagner dies from the wounds he caused three tigers. In 1930 Adolf bathed Kosmy was destroyed while a polar bear. In 1941 Jean Nipple killed by the "kiss" of a lioness. In 1945 Schneider was leaving the world, "Man of the Hundred Lions." One just enough to kill him.
Some only have been maimed: a jaguar ate Daggesell a hand in 1868. In the beautiful Hawa Numa polar bear tore a breast in 1888 and lost an arm while Bendix working with a group of circus tigers Kron. A similar fate befell the famous Bidel, attacked by lion "Sultan" in 1886. Sometimes the bite is delayed, as was the case of Dr. Pernet, who died when a blood infectarsele fierce fangs stabbed in the leg, or Alfred Court, who nearly killed him shame because of a similar infection , incurred when a lion bit his buttocks. The
of trainer is, you see, a profession in which there are always vacancies. Will anyone dare?
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