Thursday, August 16, 2007

Holographic Will Samples California

The other circus

José Urriola C.

Decían que el circo Gada era mexicano, que se habían venido en carretera desde Jalisco con sus casas rodantes, sus jaulas, sus camiones pintados de colores. Era mentira, apenas los veías de reojo te dabas cuenta de que eran colombianos. Que el acento era cucuteño fingiendo ser de Guadalajara. Que el tigre de bengala parecía más bien un cunaguaro flaco al que habían estirado en una mesa de tortura. La Mujer Barbuda tenía cuatro pelos gruesos en el mentón y lo demás era puro mostacho falso mal salpicado de pegamento fresco. Los acróbatas no alcanzaban a dar not even a full mortal than a meter from containment mesh. And the elephant, the great Keladas of India, the main attraction of the circus that occupied the center of the posters, was about the size of a tapir. And his teeth were ivory, were made of cardboard painted with lime. Dad just sat in the eighth row of the thing that looked like a tent dirty hikers said "Shit" and step, but I heard it. I also wanted to say but if I listened to Mom and gave her something safe. I preferred to keep my mouth shut, or better llenármela with something else, I asked for cotton candy even though they sold only pink. Wine

the photographer took a picture and we left we saw a little blue. Dad did not act because we are not interested, but the guy took two more, he patted my head, my hair and said right back. Function started and I got so sad that I ordered more cotton candy pink out more. And daddy said "Shit" as two or three times, each time higher. And I swear that my mom is also at least one escaped. Were more pins that fell to the juggler who managed to hold in the air. The trapeze artists were more time bouncing off the net and trying in vain to get into the traps that make tricks on them. The Bearded Lady is holding two fingers mustache every time the World's Strongest Man in his arms as he lifted a heavy (with great effort and with obvious back pain). The tiger did nothing to throw yourself upside down, two laps and made the play dead. It gave him quite the same as you crack the whip near the tail, did not think jumping through hoops of fire and looked with disgust at Hector, the tamer, as saying: "Let's see, you jump, you bastard." But nothing as daunting as the spectacle of Keladas, who sat on his ass on the stool and there were no human or divine force anyone to stop him there, not even a leg up. The tube was crushed against his chest and roared not even once (barite, son, barite-corrects it called mom is a biologist-). All I heard was recorded, loop of wild jungle environment, and saturated in the horns.

The photographer turned right at that moment. He wore half-hidden in his fist a plastic tube fitted with a display by which one eye peeked. At the other end was the picture tube. It looked better if you ran it into the light. Returns that thing, boy, do not have money for photos, Dad growled. Mom put his fingers in your wallet looking for some coins. The photographer gave me a wink with the eye: it is a gift, skinny, for you is free. He smiled and left.

I forgot the show, I was looking for the best angle for the spotlight shone the fotito me at the end of the plastic tube. And then I realized. That family as smiling in the picture was ours but it seemed another. Now Dad was blond, no belly, burly. Mom looked taller, rubísima, all green eyes, barricaded under several layers of jewelry and makeup. I was me, but much more expensive clothes, leaner, not circles, with long straight hair. And the circus tent in the photo itself was huge, bright, spacious.

If you look closely at the image, if the scanning, see the bottom of the Bearded Lady kissing the World's Strongest Man, filling the face of natural hair and slobber. Hector appears closer, El Tamer, spinning his whip through the air forcing several tigers jump through hoops formidable catch on fire. And suddenly in the big picture Keladas breaks. Strong and proud as a mammoth, stands on two legs, tuck their long ivory tusks blinding against the trainer and crushed to the ground leaving a spreadable paste made. Ships with the same fate to clowns, trapeze artists and jugglers who blow themselves up in their clumsy attempt to soothing. Then gathers momentum and jump the fence of protection, was launched with seven tons of gray muscle against the public. Makes blow up a feast of loose limbs, ground bone, blood spurts, without gums teeth and gums without teeth. Keladas furious rushes against us. But I drew the eye of the plastic display just as the elephant rushes us over. Yes, very small step, as when I leave the plastic tube of the face, is increasingly distant hear the screams of those two blond impostors pretending to be my parents.

I keep the plastic carrier of the photo in his pocket. I look at little further in the sand Keladas tail sitting on his stool, denied everything. With his hands around a damp sweat I cling to my old, and honestly I confess: "Luckily we came to this circus." They smile joyfully, vowing to have understood the joke.


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