As you know, brothers Guaire Chang fell into the river, and we all dead. But (of course there is a "but" fortunately!), And out of sight of the terrible Andropov, our Chinese flew, literally. A flock of vultures, the same bodies they had enjoyed the brothers left to the cities along the river, came to the rescue. We assume that their interests looked after scavengers, so in this case we can say that crows do not put out his eyes, but were removed from the water itself.
The Chang brothers were taken to the grounds of their dearest sisters, who immediately attended. As they hatched righteous rescue business, the brothers were recovering. Falling into a river so polluted is serious. Current throws you against hundreds of sharp objects that are causing your body, causing fatal injuries in many cases, and you accidentally swallow water, carrying diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines that can be lethal. The Chang brothers, however, received the best care of skilled doctors in acupuncture and other medical arts of China. A string of stitches covered the body of the brothers, and his skin had turned a deep green, radioactive. "Piel de Hulk," the sages to heal. "Little by little become the characteristic yellow." Facing the mirror, watching their sorry ways the Chang brothers vowed revenge and conceived the next business: a circus. Yes, a circus of events, a circus of old, of which no longer exist, with bearded women, men, bullets, knife throwers, hermaphrodites, dwarfs bulk sirens enigmatic and Russian collectors of elephant shit.
Finally, when his skin was yellow again and again the wise acupuncturists work of waiters in Chinese restaurants, the Chang brothers went in search of their enemies. Their sources Andropov told them that after the attack of the sisters, had gone to conching in Tunguska (Siberia, Russia) on Podkamennaya near the river, at position 60 ° 55 '"N 101 ° 57' E.
The attack was relentless. The Chang came with his sisters and their fucking killer, with 88 bodyguards renewed the illustrious manic-O-Ren Ishii, and even with the same girlfriend (of the Kill Bill ) ally. They fell all the vassals of Andropov, who were found, temblecos and embraced, in a corner of the underground chamber where the tsarist government hid the radioactive remains of the bomb that destroyed alien con la región a principios del siglo pasado.
De regreso a nuestras tierras, los Chang abrieron el circo concebido para la venganza. Los Andropov, vestidos de niñas, constantemente vigilados y con grillos en los pies, han sido condenados a trabajar sin tregua. Todos los días deben recoger el excremento de los elefantes, limpiarle el ano al hombre más gordo del mundo, peinar la barba de la mujer barbada, pasear los caniches de los enanos, hacer reír a los payasos, servir de esclavos sexuales de Kongo el gorila, cocinar, lavar, limpiar letrinas y todo lo que implique oficios forzados de por vida. Bien merecido se lo tienen los otrora terribles Andropov.
¡Larga vida a nuestros Chang!
Jose Santaella and Urriola Fedosy
The Chang brothers were taken to the grounds of their dearest sisters, who immediately attended. As they hatched righteous rescue business, the brothers were recovering. Falling into a river so polluted is serious. Current throws you against hundreds of sharp objects that are causing your body, causing fatal injuries in many cases, and you accidentally swallow water, carrying diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines that can be lethal. The Chang brothers, however, received the best care of skilled doctors in acupuncture and other medical arts of China. A string of stitches covered the body of the brothers, and his skin had turned a deep green, radioactive. "Piel de Hulk," the sages to heal. "Little by little become the characteristic yellow." Facing the mirror, watching their sorry ways the Chang brothers vowed revenge and conceived the next business: a circus. Yes, a circus of events, a circus of old, of which no longer exist, with bearded women, men, bullets, knife throwers, hermaphrodites, dwarfs bulk sirens enigmatic and Russian collectors of elephant shit.
Finally, when his skin was yellow again and again the wise acupuncturists work of waiters in Chinese restaurants, the Chang brothers went in search of their enemies. Their sources Andropov told them that after the attack of the sisters, had gone to conching in Tunguska (Siberia, Russia) on Podkamennaya near the river, at position 60 ° 55 '"N 101 ° 57' E.
The attack was relentless. The Chang came with his sisters and their fucking killer, with 88 bodyguards renewed the illustrious manic-O-Ren Ishii, and even with the same girlfriend (of the Kill Bill ) ally. They fell all the vassals of Andropov, who were found, temblecos and embraced, in a corner of the underground chamber where the tsarist government hid the radioactive remains of the bomb that destroyed alien con la región a principios del siglo pasado.
De regreso a nuestras tierras, los Chang abrieron el circo concebido para la venganza. Los Andropov, vestidos de niñas, constantemente vigilados y con grillos en los pies, han sido condenados a trabajar sin tregua. Todos los días deben recoger el excremento de los elefantes, limpiarle el ano al hombre más gordo del mundo, peinar la barba de la mujer barbada, pasear los caniches de los enanos, hacer reír a los payasos, servir de esclavos sexuales de Kongo el gorila, cocinar, lavar, limpiar letrinas y todo lo que implique oficios forzados de por vida. Bien merecido se lo tienen los otrora terribles Andropov.
¡Larga vida a nuestros Chang!
Jose Santaella and Urriola Fedosy
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