Monday, August 27, 2007
Uma Spanish Translation
4 star wanted to be on time to a class when ...
A radio crashed assistant advised that at the end of the class must serve a recording. Three of the stars, andy, Javito valerio and worked efficiently that class, paid attention and captured every step to do the job. However, the star pauly had serious problems since that morning had not taken his inevitable chocolate milk, so walked slower than usual (imagine).
After 30 minutes of class, all the stars had their work echo, unless the star pauly, so the rush began. Bad idea, because it made her more nervous still, entered into collapsing and you miss nothing. I went with
25 minutes late to the desired class.
Virtually Javito star had to do everything, you saved the file and handed it to crash assistant. Finally went to the yard the schoolhouse, to board the magic bus andy star.
If the star is a walking danger to society, imagine how it must be driving a car. But as if this were not enough, the star was co valerio, another big mistake if they wanted to be on time.
The trip to Sausalito artists believed the Hollywood stars and began to remember songs in the style of "do not love me, because you think I look different" "You're almost the perfect man that I dreamed for so long" "clock stop your way, because my life is off "" you're going because I want you to go, at the time I want to stop you "... etc.
When they arrived at the scene, the star of the moment driving around 7 parking passes when he finally decides to return to one of them, the star tells valerio continue down the street to turn around in comfort. Proved to be a street that deviate from the target well, was extremely narrow to make the maneuver, which added a few driving skills of the star andy difficult to get to the gym in Sausalito.
After a few minutes of hysteria inside the car, death threats, haircuts and more screams, found parking, got out, ran and came to class with a few minutes late.
Moral: If you go back
never do a job with the Pauly
pressure with time for any reason that the drive
Andy Valerius
no instructions and no co-pilot go
Thanks to: The
little girl part of the story, for all the craziness and good times.
reserved copyright, which allows me to award it invented and imagined details. So, not accept any claim.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Dissolvable Stitches Infection Breast
The Chang brothers were taken to the grounds of their dearest sisters, who immediately attended. As they hatched righteous rescue business, the brothers were recovering. Falling into a river so polluted is serious. Current throws you against hundreds of sharp objects that are causing your body, causing fatal injuries in many cases, and you accidentally swallow water, carrying diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines that can be lethal. The Chang brothers, however, received the best care of skilled doctors in acupuncture and other medical arts of China. A string of stitches covered the body of the brothers, and his skin had turned a deep green, radioactive. "Piel de Hulk," the sages to heal. "Little by little become the characteristic yellow." Facing the mirror, watching their sorry ways the Chang brothers vowed revenge and conceived the next business: a circus. Yes, a circus of events, a circus of old, of which no longer exist, with bearded women, men, bullets, knife throwers, hermaphrodites, dwarfs bulk sirens enigmatic and Russian collectors of elephant shit.
Finally, when his skin was yellow again and again the wise acupuncturists work of waiters in Chinese restaurants, the Chang brothers went in search of their enemies. Their sources Andropov told them that after the attack of the sisters, had gone to conching in Tunguska (Siberia, Russia) on Podkamennaya near the river, at position 60 ° 55 '"N 101 ° 57' E.
The attack was relentless. The Chang came with his sisters and their fucking killer, with 88 bodyguards renewed the illustrious manic-O-Ren Ishii, and even with the same girlfriend (of the Kill Bill ) ally. They fell all the vassals of Andropov, who were found, temblecos and embraced, in a corner of the underground chamber where the tsarist government hid the radioactive remains of the bomb that destroyed alien con la región a principios del siglo pasado.
De regreso a nuestras tierras, los Chang abrieron el circo concebido para la venganza. Los Andropov, vestidos de niñas, constantemente vigilados y con grillos en los pies, han sido condenados a trabajar sin tregua. Todos los días deben recoger el excremento de los elefantes, limpiarle el ano al hombre más gordo del mundo, peinar la barba de la mujer barbada, pasear los caniches de los enanos, hacer reír a los payasos, servir de esclavos sexuales de Kongo el gorila, cocinar, lavar, limpiar letrinas y todo lo que implique oficios forzados de por vida. Bien merecido se lo tienen los otrora terribles Andropov.
¡Larga vida a nuestros Chang!
Jose Santaella and Urriola Fedosy
Pokemon Heart Gold Desmume Time Altering
Enrique Enriquez

A prince in the stands
Among the stories of trainers and trainers are incredible events and actions chilling, but the circus tents have also been unusual cases that instead of ending up in blood stained pink.
The most peculiar of all is that of Pauline Borelli a tamer who was terrified of wild beasts, especially a giant lion putrid breath and bad ways to be merciless with the poor girl, responding to their orders with menacing growls and bites. Pauline was gathering strength every day to deal with these beasts, and while never hurt, fear paralyzed her legs only to hear the lock open cage to let her go.
debuted in 1854 under the canvas of the circus "Napoleon" in Paris, making his daily ordeal in a public event. Why is this poor girl insisted on exercising a profession which had been so wrong? Because becoming in tamer sought to save her beloved father from ruin. Yes, his filial love the face every night carried their darkest fears in the midst of the track, surrounded by panthers, tigers and lions. But that did not last long, because it happened that one day a prince charming, we assume that the tram and not on a white horse, drew his wallet to pay his entry as everyone else, and once in the middle of the show after hearing about the drama of poor Pauline asked her marriage, saving his family from ruin.
Thus, as in a fairy tale, this beautiful girl left behind clues and cages filled with fangs eager to bite into her soft skin to surrender a happy marriage, where no one knows if you ever came to use his whip.
wild mane
The ladies of rank who visited some barbershop Stuttgart, back in the twenties, never thought when they put their heads in the hands of Claire Heliot woman that you were more familiar with long hair Cat woman's hair, or more skillfully handled the whip, a knife and gun the scissors and comb, or even dreamed that generally used to harass chairs the jaws of the world's most dangerous beasts, rather than transfer them to the back fat of their clients. There, amid tufts exchanged bows wet shakes neighborhood gossip and tips to combat the bad manners of their husbands, knowing that the hairdresser kept after her apron all the secrets needed to put the worst beast at bay. Under the rimbombate
title "The Bride of the Lions, had the honor Claire Heliot historic debut in the first season of the circus" Medrano "the circus circus in Paris in 1898. The taming of wild animals has always been one of the highlights of the circus, and even today is much more shocking when a beautiful woman who faces the tigers and lions, in contrast to his grace the fierceness of their students. Many years did the race this sensational tamer, who nevertheless lost all their savings in 1922, after which took a dramatic turn in his life.
Since then gave up the fame, preferring to place the head of their clients under a dryer breath warm and dry instead of putting itself between the jaws of a lion sinister, to live happily and peacefully, without ever renouncing the day they ruined, tired of dealing with four-legged beasts and opted for two. Tamer
Who can be sure what the future holds? Crockett James was rehearsing with the rest of the circus musicians Sager, happy life as usual, when a lion escaped from its cage terrorizing everyone. The roaring beast running after the poor devils who were in the circus at that time and jumped to a technician caught, devouring at once. When he raised his head still hungry Crockett met face to face and stared at him with the face of dessert, but here the musician took a chair and a whip and put in place that feline villain, saving everyone's life present in a heroic act. So, instead of becoming a snack, became tamer. After that premiere
the incredible James Crockett tamer formally debuted in Paris in 1863. Changed orchestral music by the roar of the beasts and developed a successful but brief career, a brief spark like the crack of a whip, who came to finish two years later in a similar way to how it began. It happened in Cincinnati in 1865, one of those rare moments of calm which are usually fatal. While wild animals fed a lady who was bringing her child went too near the cage of a hungry lion, than a blow snatched the baby. There was no time to do anything. Within seconds the carnivorous monster destroyed the boy swallowed half of his body while his mother crazy. James Crockett scene looked stunned, unable to do anything to save the creature and died the day after a stroke caused by printing, grief and remorse ...
Fang The Ballad
Instinct wild beasts crouching when least expected of men, and even, it is known that the most trusted tend to be the worst murderers.
tamer In 1846 the famous Van Amburg was eaten by his tiger "Edith." In 1869 three lions were responsible for the great Lucas. In 1891 Rosita Gondolf supplying his brother dies in the grip of the lion "Lydia." A Bright and Bertha Ellen Baumgarten their tigers were killed, as the great Soulanges, who bore the brunt of the intervening in a fight between a bear and a tiger. The Agop Armenian trainer died in the jaws of the lion "Lagardere, as well as poor Miss Fisher. In 1901 the trainer and hypnotist McDonald hamburger was made in the mouth of a lion. In 1923 Wagner dies from the wounds he caused three tigers. In 1930 Adolf bathed Kosmy was destroyed while a polar bear. In 1941 Jean Nipple killed by the "kiss" of a lioness. In 1945 Schneider was leaving the world, "Man of the Hundred Lions." One just enough to kill him.
Some only have been maimed: a jaguar ate Daggesell a hand in 1868. In the beautiful Hawa Numa polar bear tore a breast in 1888 and lost an arm while Bendix working with a group of circus tigers Kron. A similar fate befell the famous Bidel, attacked by lion "Sultan" in 1886. Sometimes the bite is delayed, as was the case of Dr. Pernet, who died when a blood infectarsele fierce fangs stabbed in the leg, or Alfred Court, who nearly killed him shame because of a similar infection , incurred when a lion bit his buttocks. The
of trainer is, you see, a profession in which there are always vacancies. Will anyone dare?
Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma Shuting
Strips Salvador

That occasion I remember as if it happened this morning, although it is true that happened in the year 76. I had just turned seventeen and Rolando, my boyfriend, had months asking what initially was called a "proof of love" and then an "ultimatum." Rolando
was beautiful. He looked like Jesus Christ (actually looked like Robert Powell, the actor who played Jesus in a film that still spend Easter week) and at that time it became fashionable to have a boyfriend as well. So I was lucky in having Rolando and Jesus Christ in one person. Rolando
But not content with braces flavored kisses that we shook in his CJ-7. He wanted more than kisses and the case was that I was not prepared for such matters. My strategy was to make me crazy. Give long saying, "Daddy, wait one of these Saturdays to mom on call and try, okay?".
My mom was a nurse in the clinic and never had Méndez Gimón guard on Saturday. So waiting for Rolando would be long and extenuarte. But things happen when they go to spend a Saturday, at about ten o'clock, my mother called emergency clinic. That Saturday Rolando
also walked emergency. Introduced in the house without calling first. It never did and obviously I missed a lot. He rang the bell with the insistence of an Electrolux salesman. It seemed as if he had revealed that it could be your Saturday. That's what I remember with great clarity because Altuve Henry announced the attractions of the Fair Joy when I opened the door.
seem childish, but what bothered me a lot. Every Saturday from 4 to 9 were mine: this was the time of the Fair ... and not to fall off the world I missed it. I think I let it in one hand carried a fragrant Meen bag Nang and the other a family pot pistachio ice cream that EFE has never again to serve.
However, to be fair, I think the blame for what happened that afternoon was me. Rolando in the visits made to the house never went beyond the courtroom. Mom would not let him go to the bathroom or the hallway. But that day I do not know what the hell I was stung and said we were going to watch TV in the room. That was the opportunity I had been waiting for Rolando and I put it on a silver platter.
When we settled into bed to eat Chinese food, Trino Mora sang "Free your mind." That, I think, was the beginning of the end. But it steeled me and I held my thing as if listening to a bonus of laughing voices of Carayaca. It was season rating and attractions of the evening were going to be very good. Apart from Trinity, also act White Eagle (an old man throwing knife disguised Ecuador Sioux), The Mummy and Uri Geller. A Uri Geller was the first time I saw him and that detail would cost me dearly.
The food was brought Rolando was slightly spicy and full of in seafood. That was another blow: after a while I started as rochelera aceleradita. Therefore I had to give me a bath lightning to see if I passed vaporón. But you better not have had that bad idea. When I returned from the bathroom, the Rolando had already taken off his shirt and socks. If Mom came at the time, went out of direct insurance for the leadership to get married. It was then that I remembered the ice cream in the fridge and saw the opportunity to cool the moment. But each output
my room a garment meant less in the locker room with my boyfriend. Returning from the kitchen I found him in his underwear. Can you believe it? And I was getting nervous when I heard a voice coming out of the TV narcotic. The voice seemed to say "now take off your coat and go to bed" because it was exactly what I did as a fool. Uri Geller
had beautiful eyes. He wore also a hairstyle type "gourd" and polyester pants that made him look regal. That's what I fixed when Rolando began with the Trocadero.
The first part of the act was to guess the identity card number or, failing that, a driver's license of someone from the audience. "Focus on their homes," said Uri Geller all the time and I was super highly concentrated. Rolando, in the meantime, I had taken of the feet and I was massaging the ankles and calves. Rico, the truth, but it does not have happened if at that moment do not do a close up of the mentalist's eyes.
That killed me. I started
sweating and I went up a sort of electric shock from the coccyx to the neck. Spasm that left me with no excuses. Horrible. So I went cross-eyed trying to unravel the mystery of those eyes in black and white. Rolando and had crossed the border as a dog by her house and coming straight to you, packed. "Focus", repeated the unfortunate Uri Geller and more concentration than I had another that was difficult. I swear I was about to levitate out the window.
I had one last chance to save when they went to commercial but before that began the segment of the spoons. Uri Geller was invited to a Mrs. on stage. I was surprised that Mrs. maintain an upper hand as if to pray to a saint. When I noticed the old struck out the bucket that held like a crucifix.
Uri Geller took the spoon and the little old lady, as if to be a soup, began to stare. The scene was sultry and provocative. Then came a new close up of the mentalist's eyes and I knew at that moment that all was lost. Then
began giving the index finger on the thinner, almost tenderly. Knew what he wanted with that until the bucket began to recede. It seemed as if an invisible fire was melting
Then I felt the sting.
The Rolando snorting in my ear were losing the whole concentration gained so far. In a desperate attempt to recover glanced at the TV, but Uri Geller had passed to something else. I think trying to "stop" the mechanism of a clock.
The next day I discovered, with horror, that Uri Geller had been successful with the clock: it was almost ten and mother would soon return to his guard.
The room was a mess and the sheets looked like a Japanese flag. Rolando could not find their interiors and left ten minutes before Mom arrived. While picking up the trail, I find the interior my boyfriend: floated like a boat adrift in the bowl of ice cream. But in the pot also would find another object that originally cost me identify but then, however, took it as another success of the mentalist.
few days ago my daughter asked me why that still kept well bent and rusty spoon. I was about to talk about Uri Geller's eyes and all that stuff. But I kept quiet.
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One euro. Login cost me a euro. I accept it, because there is no other. Payment pussy. Because you have to pay do so. Call the elevator. Delayed. At the low end one. But does not open. Now comes another. That, yes. That. A herd squeezes, squeezes, struggles. Step, rather flat. I squeezed myself. Hey do not push, do not push. Fifth floor, please. Floor three, two, four. Five, please. Again.
As it rises, the elevator is being released. Leave passengers, air returns. Something inside is loose, like a cowboy used. And although we are less, Almodóvar seems uncomfortable. Was on the edge of the door, entered last. We drove with eg, Pepi, Luci, and Bon. Smiling bouncing was to release people. Gladly pressed the buttons. "Three?" Four? " asked. Now that no one, but two ladies with buns Grace Kelly and I no longer laugh or it does not seem as happy as a few seconds.
I think that we are not sufficient. Earlier in the second floor toward the three, had round smile. Almodovar would rather be in the congestion of an elevator in the Fine Arts in Madrid, to be Almodovar with two old and a girl in a slow lift of the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. We are not public. Still trying. "Five, right? He says. "The presentation, right?". I think I've been too long under the green light to lift.
I focused on her coat, Almodóvar. Is a dark jacket. I think it is leather. I still concentrated on the shoulders of the director, very concentrated, until I hear: "Sorry, are you Almodóvar truth?". I look up and concluded, "I love your movies." Actually one of the ladies who says it straight out of one of them. Now it was time to stop the embarrassed smile, at last, "the daily dynamics of the elevator. How we had taken so long to reward that. That was all I expected, the poor. The happy coincidence
clothing us on the edge of the elevator. And open the doors of women continues, I think it speaks to All About My Mother. But Almodovar has no time for sour Salamanca grandmothers, and satisfied and ready to start gossip. But that is not queer at all, for nothing. But how do you tell him you like his films, if a pig. No, no. I've seen them all and I love them. Almodóvar is intercepted by the head of public relations Seix Barral. Come Pedro, photo to Juan José (Miller). The book. The smile. Photo.
The cups go, come. Millás speaks well of his own novel. The ladies sit down. Later, in a special feel Almodóvar. And I only remember his coat. The purple glow of the neon light and heavy white scabs on his shoulders. That snowy hair detached unthinkable a tuft like that. Millás's novel is a disaster, Almodóvar has dandruff and I paid one euro.
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Images: wall "Graphite" in Chacao
lost you In the air, be sure left behind the line that crosses the stage at 20 feet, I recalled the words from your lips to laugh and realized you were my safest place, the part of the maze where the exit was the only possible among all those who dream on the coldest days. No matter if the crowd shouted down hoping that my hand did not get to swing and keep flying to their seats, if the lions dance around your body or if a hail of bullets close the circus forever. The oldest, the giant and that every morning washed the scales from their bodies, they say we're ghosts. The charro of the three guns with his skull and face the bullets of doubt and tears insists that there is a hidden version on the Internet where you say with irrefutable evidence. I have come to believe is true. I can sense when the cotton candy escapes the lips of teenagers and through my skin, when the captain turns on the phonograph that their ancestors I never inherited and sometimes we run away from angry people who took the cure for baldness by Dr. Chang. However, that feeling grows as my words substituted by three dots, when I get to experience the freezing temperature at the side of the park and in the memory of clumsy words, a hand that runs a white face just lit and headlights going back and forth from time to time, with looks that cross that summer looks and where required, we said goodbye.

Second Fall:
lost me leaning over the only place where chance can be more than a game of cards Peer tent, I began to paint a map of the places where they should be. My hand, always safe, was preceded by a tattoo on his forearm. It read the word love. I was very talkative in the deep eyes, white pants, pointy boots, black sweater, long hair and beard sharp every night screaming the wonders that we could do. But this time my words are not talking about circles of fire, red noses, beards female butt kicked, teeth flying cats or tutus. My map was the story of all those things have to see you again clinging to my wishes and those who avoid for fear of letting me off you. I do linear imitating the fire that shoots out of the mouth of the dwarf. Then imagine a circular text, they turned over and over again on the same idea, where the words tremble with the violence of the white spaces would fall like a knife between them. I had the idea of \u200b\u200ba vindictive sentence as cannon ball flies over all metaphors or a sentence that, like the lion tamer's whip, tortured each of the words that I have not dared to say. Discarded one by one the options. I could not move forward or backward, I could not move from a T bereft of context. When all the cars and trucks left the town I was away in the same place, with the blue moon fund sitting on my words with a spray in hand watching the white background of everything that I could not say to you we're not.
Third drop: how do we find after falling?
'm a dark sun in a window. My sole purpose is to observe the moon. Arts ominous of the two daughters of Dr. Chang opened the vain side of my tent. They do not believe in waiting and yet they make love with every man who may be a possibility to escape the alchemical dreams of the father. His white magic, black, erotic hypnotic held my mind trapped in a strange game of memory. Even and did not leave the window that it was my place of work and, if it failed my mission, that of my demise. From there I thought of all solutions. Hour after hour I was discarding incorrect options: virtual libraries, Google walks patients seeking his name, chat rooms where I can not touch the tips of his fingers locked in Radiohead songs ipod, videos on Youtube where there appears an expression of his lips to laugh and all that ghostly never replace our bodies, our eyes looking eyes, the cold of the parks and the ellipsis. When there was nothing appeared before me the key. It was always in the circus, in that arena was surrounded by chairs maze and in the tents that constituted our universe. I knew seeing my classmates walk safely around the yard at the time of the function. At that moment I found the answer to why some had long legs, red noses and wicked whips, others lobster tail, bearded tits, camel hair and cannonball helmet, and some more knives, fake guns, drinks lying and puns. Nothing was off for them, never had to say goodbye, went back and forth at will using his wonders among the unsuspecting inhabitants of the earth. It was, then, at that moment, from my window, I felt that the arms used to persecute these swings in were air-tentacles. Immediately, the stretched and were the size of the world, reaching every corner, went through the nine planets of the solar system came under the water, climbed mountains, left behind indivisible boundaries and ancestral fears. And one day, unexpectedly, when they went sideways on the moon could not continue, were trapped. The stopped a similar miracle: other tentacles, one September morning, I found clinging to mine.
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- And you? Yes, you ... you ... how your name?
- Me? Is it me?
"No asshole, with the empty seat next to you.
"Sorry, did not know. My name is Peter, but my stage name is Yan Clod. You write well ... "he says, gives him a crumpled piece of paper which read a childlike lyrics: Jean Claude.
- Who gave you that name so ridiculous?
"My mother, sir. I put it when I was dancing for the first time in front of a mirror. She said that all good dancers have French names. I do not know why.
- And what number you prepared to show us today? Because if it is ballet, you go to a theater. This is a circus, millet, really a circus and you're not even a dwarf, or have hair all over his body, nor do you pint of lion tamer.
- This circus has lions? I have never seen lions in Tucupita.
-Leaves, Yan whatever. Come on, stand there and starts we are in a hurry.
Pedro · Yan Clod ¨, was born in the Delta nineteen years ago. His father, a French priest sent from Paris to religious instruction to the natives of the area, he had taught his mother a lot more than praying the rosary. She stayed with the belly and no saint to whom complaints when the French took off a few days of arriving, gave as the first diarrhea. Marlinda, Yan's mother worked as a teacher at the school where the blessed land was a priest and teacher had to be read and French dancers. Until there came the knowledge of universal culture.
Peter liked to dance since childhood. Yolanda Moreno learned from watching television and often practiced against the single mirror of the people, the Guacha, the neighbor and friend of his prostitute mother.
When seen in the Plaza Bolivar Tucupita the announcement of the Cirque du Tucupita looking for stars, he decided to see if they took advantage of his talent and his French name to help his old woman who was half fucking to work.
... ... ..
Galindez and Jimenez were two corporals who had completed his military service soon to be injured in combat practices with defective equipment. Stationed in the Delta region decided to set up a business with a talk that they entered the early withdrawal.
"Shit brother, in this country what it takes is family fun pa. Galindez said euphoric night of beers. What if we set up a circus? Too many weirdos in this country. We put a name so well known circus, bought some containers , we open windows, paint colors, and dude ready to go CHURUP becoming the country in every town.
-Consider it done, dear brother, "said Jimenez hitting the bottle of Polar Ice with her new partner.
Yuraimi, Galindez's wife, designed a banner to stick around town in search of talent. On the day scheduled for the "casting" had arrived and entrepreneurs had a line of people and animals that would turn the block and more. Men, women, children, elderly, crocodiles, turtles, dolphins, and even a clump of palm talking.
-A blockbuster that this circus is going to be my love, "said Yuraimi to look out the door and the queue kept growing. I think it's best starting with the interviews to see if we can start soon with the inaugural function.
... ... .. Peter Yan
Clod was presented at the right time, wearing a red liquiliqui had made Guacha and a polished wooden box, closed tightly. In the row in front and behind him were hundreds of people and animals of various aspects that produce different feelings, emotions, sounds and smells. He waited patiently for their turn under the harsh sun of the street until I was ushered into the room where Galindez Grill Laredo, Jimenez and Yuraimi sat behind a table with the Latin American Idol, interviewing and evaluating applicants potential circus.
After answering his name, Yan Clod put the small wooden box on a tall stool and opened it. Employers could not see the contents of the box from where they were and waited impatiently to see what was the antics of the dancer. Then, Yan asked the musicians to interpret a joropo and the harp, the cuatro and maracas, began an intense zapatíao around the stool where he was the box.
Judges faces looked a little confused with the expression of what the hell is doing this shit and what's so circus act. At that time, Galindez realized something missing. It was the harp. Well, not the harp, the harp was there, what was missing was the sound. Although the music still playing, the notes of the strings were not being heard. When he was about to discuss it with their partners, disappeared also the sound of four. For the moment Yuraimi Jiménez and had noticed the phenomenon, stopped ringing the maracas that were moving into the hands of Maraqua. Clod Yan was his zapatíao around the stool, as if still hear the music, staring at the wooden box.
Partners, excited, began to applaud. Soundless applause. When they tried to speak, nothing came out of their mouths. Yan stopped Clod dance, closed the box, he bowed to the three judges, smiling devilishly, and he turned and disappeared, leaving all Tucupita floating in dead silence.
... ... ...
Weeks later, the CIA tried to contact Yan Clod to hire, but his calls were futile. Nobody heard the phone ringing at his home in Tucupita Yan Clod telling them no longer lived there, who had gone with his box for another party.
Bicycle Birthday Idea
In 1314, John Samuel Innsburg, itinerant magician of the court of Louis X, called the turbulent, achieved one of his greatest hits: completed his promise to disappear the public to see it, without exception. After his stunt, many thought that this was the greatest magician of the story, and others had no doubt that it had made a pact with Lucifer, which ensured that even had a shadow, because the evil had leased for mischief. Some priests said he had seen mingling amiably with the Templar James de Molay and his Saracens, but the prosecution never found official handle. Apparently, he enjoyed the affection of King Louis and his uncle, Charles of Valois valid. However, the reputation of magician accompanied the biography of the man who should be held more wise than sorcerer. But you know, the devil load inks historians.
The case occurred in Glasgow in December 1314. King's company had made a stop in town to carry letters of friendship to the noble royal Scots, and mime buffoons and harlequins and the group took the opportunity to ride his Tarantino and take a few extra shillings, which would not hurt to mitigate the rigors winter promised to be long and difficult. The scourge of the plague and had taken a third of the population of the islands, and nobody seemed to be in the mood for the antics of the clowns.
But John Samuel, persevering, lifted his small stage and launched his challenge:
- A shilling! A bright golden shilling for which frustrated my trick! Shouted in the middle of the market.
The respectable citizens of Glasgow, exhausted by hunger and cold, would not have been able to pay attention to the wiles of a cheesy magician if the word "shilling" had not been tangled in his promises.
- I challenge anyone for a shilling! Cried the wizard.
A large crowd came and willingly paid three pence to the magician's hat boring required to enter the bet. When the small yard was crowded, a great backdrop surrounded them and knew nothing that stood out. But tell that everything went as follows: John Samuel Innsburg
asked the public to be taken out of hand, because the trick required the union of the vital forces of each, then uttered the words that invoked the gods of forms and bodies:
- Astoth, Zalath, Sadmec! Dissolve! Lords the shape, volume and density! Dissolve in ether infinite vaults of the world! "They heard terrified those who were left out.
For several minutes there was silence. And then were the applause and the cheers.
When the curtain ran, the public stated that during those minutes, they had all disappeared, and they knew not well how, John Samuel Innsburg was just standing on stage. None could explain how he witnessed the wonder if he was not there. But no one demanded to be rewarded with the bright shilling, and were well spent by three pence.
A week after that feat, each and every one of those attending the show died from furious black vomit, watery eyes, blood and stubborn fevers. The plague had taken, perhaps a mouse would have bitten or one of them would already be infected and sickened others. John Samuel Innsburg only came to the Draft and unusual age of 105 years.
Some historians argue that these extra years were the reward of Astoth, Zalath and Sadmec, the implacable gods of forms, by the sacrifice of the public in every village I visited. But you know, the devil load inks historians.
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Carlos Zerpa

Remember the TV show "I Love Lucy" starring Lucille Ball's red hair? Well I say that research on this case of amalgams "antennae", I discovered that Lucy said in a television report that during the Second World War, while driving, one day she began to listen to your teeth messages in Japanese, as if the teeth capturing of radio waves to transmit a spy.
metal fillings had Lucy in the teeth, these fillings made with the mixture of silver and mercury were used as a channel for radio waves and that it was happening to me but in Venezuela.
immediately did an experiment for my wife and my children do not continue seeing me as a freak, or as if drugged or possessed by spirits and ghosts ... so I took a small microphone and put it in my mouth, I gave all the possible volume to the amplifier and slowly rubbed my teeth, so that the fillings do circuit .... We immediately fell on his ass all, as we begin to listen to everyone and a high volume to "Sandro de America" \u200b\u200bsinging ... First in my mouth and then through the amplifier:
"Your lips of ruby, crimson ...
seem murmur, a thousand things without talking
and I'm here, sitting in front of you ... I feel
bleed, unable to talk ... "
Coñooooooooo !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ How wonderful, Sandro! And how happy I am I now know I'm not mad or possessed, and what I feel, it even has a scientific basis ... Feliiiiiiiiiiiiz able to understand that what happened to Lucille Ball, I was also happening to me.
then I kissed my wife and gave a strong electric shock to his lips he fell asleep, I gave him a hard kiss my children sacándoles sparks cheeks and I was immediately thinking about the opportunities had to join the television and make a lot of money, or go on tour with Mexican circus "Brothers Gasca," to see the world and appeared in large posters as "The Human transmitter," near the bearded lady and the magician Fu Man Chu.
But that night as a cold water bath my torment began, because the radio is not turned off and constantly intermingled all radio and television stations with one another, fragments of a single continuous program as a large collage ... like if you do rapid changes channels, a true ZAPPING with my teeth.
A piece of a speech by President Chain; a few bars of a ballad loggerhead Frank Quintero, a fuck about singing reggaeton putting faces of ill and posing as gangsters, gang members and drug dealers, to Don Francisco with a new car pack, mixed with a joke of Sergeant Full Chola, Kiko Roland as saying: "Gentlemen, good night" to Luis Chataing offering apologies to Daniel Sarcos ... All at once, in unison into a real nightmare was Dante's Inferno bag compared to this torment.
I did a bunch of fabric with a pañueluelo and slept with that ball stuck in my mouth, so my teeth do not touch. When I got up I went to emergency full speed and the dentist to put me once and for all, instead of amalgam, a white resin ...
why I have been visiting the dentist to not end up with problems or in the circus ... Although Venezuela is in itself a big circus, but a circus full of freaks.
What Games Can I Pay On My Dart Board
Adriana Bertorelli
Eve, the contortionist wake up like every day and gropes her glass eye. Strip down what's supposed to be the lamp, alarm, no find it. He then decides to take off the other eye, the right, who fell face down on the purple satin sheets. Is convinced that is because of late nights and excesses, it is said that is why, for the abuses, which first his left eye is not in bed gorgeous replica of his own to fly and all that he has prepared beside him on the night table. Decides
then first look for the right to help him find his little tyrant and think about what an eye for an eye and laughs with a deep sadness scary. It is claimed that with the fatigue and despair as you lie in bed in any way before falling due, bathed in rum and burn candles and suddenly feels a painful tug in the right eye that despises, but which tries to take off the sheet carefully without pulling too purple eyelashes and eyebrows and taking good care that the cornea does not adhere to satin the effect of the tears and dried.
That eye, the right, was always giving him the win. When she was on horseback, jumping obstacles while the people cheered, his right eye, breaking distracted, he saw a field and brought down. When came the act of swallowing fire, his right eye, scared and so little inclined to domestication, running back was terrified, and investments, pupil in, trembling, and did not leave not until much later, when Eva swore that never again closer to the flames, although they both knew was a lie.
When finally able to separate the eye of the sheet and put it, when it gets put it facing forward, she realizes that her tears are wet and the shadows get to see that its mechanical leg, has also disappeared. Now I understand everything, now everything fits, while the right eye's cornea hidden anger, grief and shame. The glass eye, the most beloved, has escaped and has stolen his leg. And now together, rather than together, and as a final joke, have made a mockery of her breasts floating in a large dish with grape seeds left over from last night's defiance.
Bosch Integra Dishwasher
L and M: Joaquín Ortega

This is the story of Circus Valiente
It sold the tent for his bad luck
This is the story of Circus Valiente
the track was closed without people
The Bearded Lady, hairless dawned
And now naked in a bar inside
The dwarf Maturano, sado-maso turned
And a girl in black leather with his colt stretched
A Reverte, strong man you sick flu
No more weights or stunts, just a lot of mucus and cough
Armando, the tall man in
shrugged a minute more can not afford his salary and his wife
maleteó Chorus:
This is the story of Circus Valiente
It sold the tent for his bad luck
This is the story of Circus closed
Valiente the track ran out of people
Azulito, the clown one was attacked despite
now keeps in his nose parakeet, Valium, rum
The precarious balance became
the tightrope and now works
tricycle escaped the fire-eater was Alberto, the heartburn
now finished him all the time pushing his stick and "Pepto-Bismol
Contortionist Evarista was very hard and found
is stiff in one piece as a table and 'high
This is the story of Circus Valiente
It sold the tent for his bad luck
This is the story of Circus Valiente He closed the door
ran out of people
A goalkeeper, Grand Otero their vision is worse
assistants ran out of jail and met
A Amador, the tamer animals obeyed his
But a married days and today only know of diapers
A doll who did not speak to the owner reported
now have five yachts and wife of his employer
That Santiago, the boy magician with a trick helped
He won the lottery but a tax fell
Chorus 1:
And what is called the owner of the circus? Chulini
Vaguín, Chulini Vaguín!
And what is called the ventriloquist?
Mr. Bemba, Mr. Bemba!
And what is called the bearded lady? Tic spinnakers
Leidy, Leidy spinnakers tic
Chorus 2: Twelve artists
Eleven plus one owner charged
and did not pay any
Twelve artists
Eleven plus one
Tremendous Tremendo macumba
'Till Fade:
A goalkeeper, Grand Otero their vision is worse
arrow He gave her assistant pulled cane
Amador the trainer got afraid of your lion
But one day she got married and now repeats:
"Yes my love", "Yes my love"
Otero goalkeeper, it was believed an Elf ...
Bati-Tolkien Santos Batman!. .. And the trainer
a mixture of Sigfried and Roy
of Siegfried and Roy, of Siegfried and Roy
Court .-
Job23: 58 .-
Swimming Buoyancy Belt
Mario Morenz

African lioness was threatened to tear the head when they were introduced. Half the cast circus tore role. Marco, a week, protecting your future and that of many, gave Patricia a double ration of chickpea soup with vegetables and celery, seasoned with ground glass. When the rating is quantified by applause, he realized that his performance and many had lost popularity by "La Leona Patricia, Feline Death," as advertised.
At three in the afternoon, the top hierarchy of the circus called the humane society and a funeral. Reuben, the trapeze acrobat, where last act of risk and skill, snatched one of the dishes Patricia. The early morning darkness and the sharp appetite of the beast Patricia conspired to not pay close attention to the juggling of Reuben. This shattered Marco, who never imagined such a feat of some of their peers. I felt blown consciousness, falling from the height of the trapeze from his friend. Once Marco had one foot out of the circus arena, is airing a suicide premeditated murder with premeditation and a "cat and Africanized Death" because it was a Bauth, fierce native of the southeastern United States, where there are in captivity about five hundred species in the biological center and veterinary Pellucidar Burroughs. Thus the medical report regarding the official race of the "lion", which did put the owner of the circus on a problem that resulted in a good sum of money. Some six years later, the Lilliputian would be involved, but in this case within the law, served as a spy, "he said, he confessed, but was actually for a missing informant, police force. With the data provided dismantled three brothels, killing nine women and the poor life after gang rape, and in some specific cases: post mortem. One of them, Rosa, was his friend. Her best friend. Although the adjective and the best friend were applied posthumously to the mental picture when we think of someone. Her best friend, had another best friend, a girl about 18 years time: Alina. Alina Marco contacted to give you something that Rosa was going to give for her birthday and she had helped to choose. Remorse rose from the tresses of their shoes to the House of flimsy walls of rust twisted and splintered that it was his conscience. Again, just indirectly with the life of someone close.
Alina and Mark went to a tavern. They talked about their lives. The conversation could be categorized as an oral autobiography rounds. In a talk he played Marco Alina rivals and ask questions and make connections like: I maybe I read the letters you when accompanying a foreign minister and I visited the circus, I took my Uncle Albert, but do not remember seeing dwarfs. And the next round, Alina spoke. Marco nodded, and not for lack of connections. Maybe she had one: Rosaura. But this, whenever the opportunity arose to fit it in the monologue of Alina, his conscience was falling again. He preferred silence. Finally, Alina said: Come on. And Marco: Well, where? Alina: I have a hectic colic and I think I drank a lot for today. Marco: Well, you have to do a diet gastrinoma. Both went to a hotel. Alina knew the owner. Greeted him with aplomb, she rubbed her hips and busts. He asked about six beers or wine or vicerveza, for her and her new little friend. Winked, to contain any flood of jealousy. Stayed up the same amount of hours that the stars of the Hotel: Two. Played to kill cockroaches. Alina won for obvious reasons: there were more vermin behind the mirrors under the bed.
Juan Zamora

The central tent was alone, empty seats and unsold ticket. So the days passed in this place where there was laughter and fun.
But what a circus could make a place so sad? Simple: The fakir did not have the "will" enough to lie on a bed of nails. The dwarf, addicted to cocaine, it "grows" every time I was facing the audience and began to insult them. The trapeze artist could not take off the feet of the floor, preferring to "go under the table." The magician could never remember where he had "hidden" objects disappearing (¿?). The clown thought that painting could be a skin cancer, rubber nose suffocation, polyester and satin dress urticaria, or the wig cause brain atrophy by not allowing ideas moving. To make matters worse, being around children, we generated an arrhythmia unbearable.
The contortionist and the bearded woman, were sisters. Wanted to leave the circus, thought their time had passed. The first, already old and tired of "bend" the back, the second, not "outspoken" or anywhere else, said feel tired too.
Both sisters were in love with the trainer, but do not want to face for that ungrateful and unrequited love. He just loved his boots, the whip and the bottle.
Time went by and the cavity of the circus to dent the morale of its members, not to mention their stomachs. The lack of money and resources, reflected in an empty cupboard and kitchen with clean dishes and unused since long ago. Starting
away, was not feasible, no fuel to move the trucks, or the strength to pick up the tent. Besides, what would solve leave the place?
animals began to sicken and die of hunger. What could be grief soon turned into an opportunity. The circus had got food.
Nothing was wasted, the meat for the stomach to cover skin and bones to make jewelry and sell it. Thus survived a long time, enough to forget the circus trade. Gone are those arts, were supplanted by others. No more lights and applause, or laughter or screams. No more children, no tricks, no drum roll. But at some point there? Have you ever really was a circus? Or it was always people waiting for a chance at least to eat?
How Far Do You Need To Shut Lid On Sunbed
Fedosy Santaella

Ah yes, there were still some years for the Duke of Darkstone is let her see the world with his brightness and his boastful talk online pyramid of beauty and his abdomen without roots, when in 1916 he appeared in Caracas one of the most extravagant never saw the bare Caracas.
Characters have always been unique in the world, and in our land. Remember at the time of Crespo, the notorious Francisco Delpino and Lamas, famous Chirulí of Guaire hatter by profession who wrote the series of poems singular metamorphosis Another , and some other free verse as well never Imprint weighted, which was as follows:
flying bird that you stopped in your arm green
passed hunter matot;
be worth more than you sleep!
of these characters have a lot, many nationals, others come from outside, as it was, say her name once, Leopoldo Fregoli, watchmaker, photographer, actor, singer and pioneer of cinema, which was fregolígrafo version Italian invention of the Lumière. A man of many, no doubt, so that became known chiefly as the greatest transformations of his time. And when I talk about a quick change paratheatrical art, not an art-men-who-prefer-be-girls-and-so.
Fregoli, it should be noted, was not a crazy as Delpino and Lamas or fraud as Romero. Say rather that his specialty was precisely the scam and turned into art fraud. Proteus of their time, Leopoldo Fregoli was one and was all, was a man and woman, the king of costumes and impersonations, master of mime, pantomime, magic, ventriloquism, singing, acrobatics, ie all these arts - paratheatrical - they have to study today Broadway actors to give him a note in a work more or less prestigious (or not); arts certainly are so close to cheating, its practitioners Scammers seem to me brought to light and become an artist.
Fregoli same gentleman was with misshapen whiskers vagrancy, or respectable lady hopeless damsel, imitating supremacy, as Klaus Nomi of their times, the voice of a light soprano, a tenor or a baritone, down to the lowest notes of deep bass, they said the chronicles of his age, chronic also indicated that Leopoldo Fregoli was "the first man who made women's roles without attaching to it any way vulgar or ridiculous," and added and nothing suspicious, just in case.
Legend (fancy way of gossip) that, as a soldier, Fregoli was part of a theater group. One day some of his colleagues were alienated (only that we know that is "alienated"), and to his "unwillingness" translated in the absence, Fregoli decided to play the roles of those missing. Apparently he did very well, and began his career accelerated, the forerunner of Futurism of Marinetti (I mean, will not believe), because during their performances, in a rapid and surprising, Fregoli voice changed, apparel and record thus becoming a different character each time. He often said: "Art is life, and life transformation." So ahead of Einstein was the master, and this also mean it, do not think I mock.
Anyway, his talent gave him worldwide fame that is, thanks to this, he traveled the world and paid for it, which we try to do a lot in our life, not dying in the attempt, but without actually achieve it, even once. Coined the term psychiatry Fregoli syndrome to define a mental disorder schizoid type. The thing is more or less like this: a man who suffers Fregoli syndrome, may believe that his mistress, not his wife but his brother died a few years ago, which has been reincarnated in it. Things like that. On the other hand, joined the Italian the word "scrubbers" to indicate a rapid and dizzying action. Recall that in the Venezuela English language used "vitoqueado" to speak of well-dressed and decked out in Modesto Vito reminiscent of the great Franklin, Duke of Darkstone, the Caracas gomecista Petronio.
By the way, who go to the theater today and see a scene where the action is mixed with images projected on stage, do not think they are seeing something new. Fregoli he did in his time. With his silent films projected fregolígrafo, seasoned with magic tricks where the court "magic" or trick of the "image replacement" made to disappear, appear or transform the characters and things (was called Fregoli "The Italian Mellies). These small works were filmed between 1898 and 1899. Mockery husband, Fregoli in the restaurant , Fregoli bib magic, magician Fregoli and The music teacher are some of the names of the shorts. Still in 1904 we know that used them.
The theater was then one of the favorite distractions of Caracas. In March, the opera company of Amerigo Manzini was premiered at the Municipal Donizetti's La Favorita. The cast had a first-line foreign stars, along with a group of talented singers and dancers. Cost six Bs entry to patio and stage and a gallery bolivar ("Suck this tangerine!"). All very well, all to ensure success, but few people attended such a great work. Why? Simply because in the theater Caracas, known by the pompous name of Coliseum Veroes began on April 11 to present the operas Leopoldo Fregoli Salamis and The Flying , And the Journal of agitated movement on stage, Paris Concert, which Fregoli played more than twenty characters. (Who knows if Victor Modesto Franklin came to see him on that occasion, and then lit a fire in his mind that years later would be reflected in the sublime figure of Darkstone.)
About Fregoli performance, teacher Charles Chambers History of theater in Caracas that "the public was astonished when he entered the door dressed as a woman, and out the other dressed as a gentleman, without losing the thread of dialogue or musical duo of fantasy stage . Leopoldo
This was the theater Proteus, who came to Caracas and beat himself, David of the tables, the great Goliath Municipal Theatre, with its cheap prices and great artists. The public certainly loves the circus, and Fregoli great advance, the prophet of pop, better known to the circus of all: that it touches the emotions, causes astonishment and curiosity and that, like Proteus, points directly to the unconscious, two brothers of a thousand forms and enigma. "And is not the history of humanity struggle to bring to light the darkness outside and inside? Not the history of the future war against the enigmas of existence? Maybe he loved quick change because rarity was the artistic expression of one of the deepest fibers of man.
Fregoli born in Rome in 1867 and died in 1936 in Viareggio, a town in the region of Tuscany, famous for its carnival. If any of you becomes one lucky traveler unclean times, and comes to shop around the cemetery of that place, please look for his grave and see if it is true that on his epitaph reads:
"Here Leopoldo Fregoli held its latest transformation."
Holographic Will Samples California
José Urriola C.
Decían que el circo Gada era mexicano, que se habían venido en carretera desde Jalisco con sus casas rodantes, sus jaulas, sus camiones pintados de colores. Era mentira, apenas los veías de reojo te dabas cuenta de que eran colombianos. Que el acento era cucuteño fingiendo ser de Guadalajara. Que el tigre de bengala parecía más bien un cunaguaro flaco al que habían estirado en una mesa de tortura. La Mujer Barbuda tenía cuatro pelos gruesos en el mentón y lo demás era puro mostacho falso mal salpicado de pegamento fresco. Los acróbatas no alcanzaban a dar not even a full mortal than a meter from containment mesh. And the elephant, the great Keladas of India, the main attraction of the circus that occupied the center of the posters, was about the size of a tapir. And his teeth were ivory, were made of cardboard painted with lime. Dad just sat in the eighth row of the thing that looked like a tent dirty hikers said "Shit" and step, but I heard it. I also wanted to say but if I listened to Mom and gave her something safe. I preferred to keep my mouth shut, or better llenármela with something else, I asked for cotton candy even though they sold only pink. Wine
the photographer took a picture and we left we saw a little blue. Dad did not act because we are not interested, but the guy took two more, he patted my head, my hair and said right back. Function started and I got so sad that I ordered more cotton candy pink out more. And daddy said "Shit" as two or three times, each time higher. And I swear that my mom is also at least one escaped. Were more pins that fell to the juggler who managed to hold in the air. The trapeze artists were more time bouncing off the net and trying in vain to get into the traps that make tricks on them. The Bearded Lady is holding two fingers mustache every time the World's Strongest Man in his arms as he lifted a heavy (with great effort and with obvious back pain). The tiger did nothing to throw yourself upside down, two laps and made the play dead. It gave him quite the same as you crack the whip near the tail, did not think jumping through hoops of fire and looked with disgust at Hector, the tamer, as saying: "Let's see, you jump, you bastard." But nothing as daunting as the spectacle of Keladas, who sat on his ass on the stool and there were no human or divine force anyone to stop him there, not even a leg up. The tube was crushed against his chest and roared not even once (barite, son, barite-corrects it called mom is a biologist-). All I heard was recorded, loop of wild jungle environment, and saturated in the horns.
The photographer turned right at that moment. He wore half-hidden in his fist a plastic tube fitted with a display by which one eye peeked. At the other end was the picture tube. It looked better if you ran it into the light. Returns that thing, boy, do not have money for photos, Dad growled. Mom put his fingers in your wallet looking for some coins. The photographer gave me a wink with the eye: it is a gift, skinny, for you is free. He smiled and left.
I forgot the show, I was looking for the best angle for the spotlight shone the fotito me at the end of the plastic tube. And then I realized. That family as smiling in the picture was ours but it seemed another. Now Dad was blond, no belly, burly. Mom looked taller, rubísima, all green eyes, barricaded under several layers of jewelry and makeup. I was me, but much more expensive clothes, leaner, not circles, with long straight hair. And the circus tent in the photo itself was huge, bright, spacious.
If you look closely at the image, if the scanning, see the bottom of the Bearded Lady kissing the World's Strongest Man, filling the face of natural hair and slobber. Hector appears closer, El Tamer, spinning his whip through the air forcing several tigers jump through hoops formidable catch on fire. And suddenly in the big picture Keladas breaks. Strong and proud as a mammoth, stands on two legs, tuck their long ivory tusks blinding against the trainer and crushed to the ground leaving a spreadable paste made. Ships with the same fate to clowns, trapeze artists and jugglers who blow themselves up in their clumsy attempt to soothing. Then gathers momentum and jump the fence of protection, was launched with seven tons of gray muscle against the public. Makes blow up a feast of loose limbs, ground bone, blood spurts, without gums teeth and gums without teeth. Keladas furious rushes against us. But I drew the eye of the plastic display just as the elephant rushes us over. Yes, very small step, as when I leave the plastic tube of the face, is increasingly distant hear the screams of those two blond impostors pretending to be my parents.
I keep the plastic carrier of the photo in his pocket. I look at little further in the sand Keladas tail sitting on his stool, denied everything. With his hands around a damp sweat I cling to my old, and honestly I confess: "Luckily we came to this circus." They smile joyfully, vowing to have understood the joke.
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half already in another mess Pinocchio
interfered ugly.
Now in a boxing ring
got the stick.

gadfly with Taison wanted a fight, challenged him with Guarama
mentioning his diznea.

did not know that Pinocchio was agile
and slipped away from beating.

on the skinny side
rang and he took a Tuyu, leaving

defending a narizazo struck. Taison
getting angry
a bite to his ear gave him.

circumvented being of wood. They believe
earned him and left him without portfolio.
How To Make Ringed Belt Holes
Sergio Marquez

That Circus defied all known and what to know : Randolph, the dwarf of two meters thirty-three centimeters, Mortajita, the only black clown, Uma and Svetlana, the maimed trapeze Baltic Sea, the air Rocco, a man shot two hundred and twenty kilos and the incomparable Yugo, suicidal immortal, were just some of the attractions that TP Munrab bizarre, eccentric circus Indian businessman, had met to found the first Quantum Circus history. Circus that would not be a nomadic circus, no: it would always be quiet, anchored in its incongruity, in the middle of a barren desert in Rajasthan, visited his tent reverse for a captive audience of lizards and ghosts.
Circuses are sad places, or any place of this and other worlds that require long goodbyes: empty railway platforms, airports, funeral homes, telephone booths. All of them, and especially the circus, they share some of that dark peripatetic condition. With one exception. In Paris there is a winter circus where, on completion of the last function of the season wrapped in the damp cold of the river and its sweetish metal saltpeter, all its members, in unison and in silence, go into coffins of cedar, slowly closing the lids, stay there, dormant, waiting for the next year hail of applause winter again awaken once again, thus reviving the memory of his juggling freezing ash and snow blizzard antics.
there are many, perhaps too many. Cemeteries faded Traveller caravans outcast lions navigating its malnourished around the world. That fateful day in 1954, when a fossil people of Eastern Carpathians, agreed upon the death of all light, and when I say all I mean exactly that, to all the circuses in the world. A pandemonium of Chinese contortionists, clowns Sibylline acrobats and tigers starving dogs for three long days thronged the streets of those people who never before knew what it was the trumpeting of an elephant. Thousands of tents flooded ravaged mist valley, shaking their gas lamps at night for between pine needles. And as they arrived in droves runaway, likewise vanished. In one night, all the shops were built, and with them also escaped all (and when I say all I mean exactly that, all) the inhabitants of the village, magnetized by the incessant flow disorderly circus in his comings and goings to the last of the functions.
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José Javier Rojas
Tender Lumplings listen Oh let me take you by the hands.
'll take you from this hell-hole to the Promised Land.
But Do not Blame Me, O Children, if Those don't keep promises.
'Cause promises like lives, can Be Bought so very cheap. Tender
Lumplings, Danny Elfman
hung the phone, shaking his head with resignation. Gerardo had played one of his usual early departure to start the week: a lot of partying, too many women, little sleep the mouse, equal to, the wipe will have to solve it alone for a change. It sounds easy, but cleaning the windows of the towers of Central Park is not something to take lightly.
Gego, not the artist of the lattice structures, but the maintenance company was actually owned by Gerardo, capital equity partner, the man with the touch of contacts, the type of captivating smile that closed the deals and opened her legs as Secretary rebotona was eager to earn the same. The contribution to society Gonzalo, in addition to the last syllable of the name, was not so much the last word as the word of moderation, he was the ground wire of Gerardo, who in turn was the engine that pulled her His misgivings carnal Byzantine picky.
Tower had seen better days, when modernity was not suspected of bad trades and worst intentions. The terrible fire that had struck his face was left behind as the renovations progressed slowly, recovering the structure for use in the Venezuelan bureaucracy.
Since its scaffolding hanging from the clouds, the partners discussed lively in her box privileged on the frequent public demonstrations that sang the praises of the Supreme Revolutionary Leader or asked their brains pickled. From so high they all looked just as anarchic, exalted and gesticulating, waving their banners monotonous, banners and crests, predictable armies of toy soldiers, pawns, pieces on the board of a cosmic game played since the beginning of time.
suspended from the pulleys was comfortable, and had learned to appreciate the silence when his partner was not there flaunting their sexual prowess. But the height and loneliness had begun to affect him. Daily work of their fellows so high, Gonzalo was over to believe that he also lived above the other, that political patuques not splashed so sneaky because they could not achieve in his hermit Stylite scaffold. On floors
recovered from the fire, the workers had succeeded in removing the scars of fire with relative efficiency and only the trained eye could distinguish the new from the original finishes. However, the loneliness was still the only tenant of those half-finished floors, full of building materials and tools left behind by construction crews reassigned to more pressing.
The banking crisis of the nineties was the financial cataclysm that catalyzed the partnership between the two friends. Hyperinflation on the one hand, the usurious interest debt for another knelt and Gonzalo Gerardo in a matter of a couple of years. Together with the need, founded the company more successful in caring for the side glass of the buildings of Caracas. Gonzalo's scruples were collateral for getting Gerardo accounts were as transparent as the windows they both kept spotless. Gonzalo
and that floor was terminated when something unusual caught his eye. Nose hit the glass and made a hood with his hand to block the glare. At the bottom of the abandoned room on a straight painter and under the flashing neon light was open briefcase full of greenbacks.
"Oh, you must be a joke," he said, and flipped the lever to lower, "but what if it is not the case, which will be then? - Stopped the mechanism of a slap and recovered the lost height. He stood in front of the window and lock easily manipulated. No insurance goes a hundred feet above the ground, even in Caracas.
- Whoa! Good morning! Is there anybody there? - Shouted to the empty room.
could see it all clearly now, and unless steps placed under the dim light, like a pedestal displaying a Maya deity in a museum, in the fourth was only air. And him. Gonzalo did not remember have entered the room, but it was two steps from the case, because just at the height of your eyes.
beginning to reach out when frightened turned to see nothing but the open window and scaffolding. "Nothing, nothing and nobody," he said to himself. In any case, withdrew his hand and stared at the briefcase. It was a hard Samsonite combination of new models, more rounded at the corners and ergonomic design, pretty but not particularly striking. Gonzalo had a similar, darker, he used to collection efforts by our customers. The difference was that theirs was full of accounts receivable, prints José Gregorio Hernández and cartoons of his daughters, and this under the sheet withdrawal from the ceiling was full of dollars with the face of Benjamin Franklin. Gonzalo
amid growing excitement, began to think. First, he realized he was standing, he and no other, compared with a fortune very alien, very suspicious provenance. If someone came at that time, how the hell would be able to justify their presence there? If someone came. Someone. It would be a girl selling raffle tickets for Fe y Alegría. Gonzalo was standing in front of the proverbial bag, the epitome of corruption and fraudulent dealings they had screwed up their country. Damn, that he had fucked up, cleaning windows of skyscrapers for a living. A wave of heat and hatred rose from the bowels of Gonzalo. He thought back to the scaffold, taking some tool, and the corrupt deal, giving him until he vergajazos apologize and confess to how many were fleeced to be done in such a fortune. That was already when he realized that the corrupt are known corrupt, and not go through life protected only with a good deodorant. There was no way to confront the offender who was about to hide millions of dollars in cash in the ceiling and walk out of the trance. "A point of hiding" the words rang like a stone lurching falling to the bottom of a deep well. There had to escape before the arrival of the bully with his followers and became part of the concrete mix of the building under renovation. Escape and go unpunished for the damned thieves who have condemned Venezuela for being a land of beggars and wild bandits started imposing the law of his guns on the helpless citizenry. Maybe you have enough time to get off, get to safety, call the media, make a report to the competent authorities ... Authorities? Competition? Gonzalo had forgotten for a moment in the film was going rapidly in his mind that the film was a Venezuelan film, as I did before Román Chalbaud. Even in the unlikely event that everything went well, they managed to convince reporters and police that he had discovered a suitcase full of dollars in a government building, to ignite a scandal as hell, and that the country only speak that for several weeks, perhaps months, in the end all be reduced to a settling of scores, with Gonzalo the adjusted account balance.
The sound of the toilet, just behind the door, Gonzalo pulled from his reverie. As a breath, closed the Samsonite, crossed the room, jumped onto scaffolding and closed the window behind him. When the scaffold began to fall, weary with his speed, Gonzalo began to mourn. While people wandered the streets began to increase in size as they approached the ground, for the first time in many years Gonzalo felt part of them, which was no better than anyone that all were equal and among them he was like them, one of them. Belonged, in the end. The street grew, diffused through the prism of his tears, and he, as he hugged the bag with the loot, he was embraced, welcomed by their peers. Had fallen from his column hermit, and never again be alone. Gonzalo wept with joy at returning home.
"Sir, thank you for putting me where.