Virginia y Joaquín compartiendo una experiencia con Susana y sus chicos. |
Luego de recorrer el distrito de Coronel Pringles durante el 2010 y disfrutar el intercambio con nuestras comunidades arrancamos con entusiasmo un nuevo año de este proyecto. En esta ocasión concurrimos al Paraje Fra – Pal; con Susana, la docente primary school, we were prepared to share activities with students of the site and, as usual, and, between mates, cakes and laughter. From the CEPT concur Joaquin fourth-year student and teacher Virginia and Osvaldo. Joaquin was the official presenter and made the activities to be developed. This time about a distiller of our center for alcohol and water separated. Virginia told them of heterogeneous and homogeneous solutions. We talked also of the importance of water in human life and how to preserve it. We remain committed to a new meeting and to work in a community health project that our center is developing and we will carry forward all together in the coming months.
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