On May 2, came to our establishment Nicolás Farías, Technical Coronel Pringles, and two technicians belonging to the Mar del Plata ANSES (National Security Social) to know about your Social Security Agency. It is intended to accompany us always, in every stage of our lives, our education, our jobs, our families, etc., Always have a way forward to improve, are committed and willing to carry it out.
This talk, to become more bearable, it was a "workshop" for better incorporation of these new concepts or heard before, but without a specific explanation or easy to assimilate what surrounds us such as:
* Cuil (Unique Code Job ID)
* Family allowances (cash benefits that are likely to protect the Family in certain contingencies of their life. No part of salary. are mechanisms to redistribute income from the state . maintain a balance between wages and family burden)
* Universal for Child Allowance (Who can collect it? Unemployed, unregistered workers, Domestic Service and Social monotributistas)
* ART (Labor Risk Insurance)
* SIPA (System Integrated Social Argentino. "An Integral System and United" Law 26 425)
* "Connect Equality" (this program was created to provide answers to skills development necessary to handle new languages \u200b\u200bproduced by the Information Technology and Communication)
* Sustainability Assurance Fund (Its goals are to: seek to contribute to the implementation of its resources, sustainable development of the national economy, lessen the financial impact that the public welfare system could carry the negative trend in economic and social variables, constituted as a reserve fund to implement an adequate investment of financial surpluses of the public pension system, guaranteeing a pension of them, contributing to the preservation the value and / or profitability of the Fund; address any shortcomings in the financing of public pension system in order to preserve the amount of pension benefits)
All these concepts, and so on were explained at its greatest extent by the task, leaving both students and teachers with a clear and precise form and function with these people working to improve the situation of the Company.
criticism of my colleagues
The vast majority, was very interested in the technical exhibition, were very attentive and also be noted that they liked that a group of people to inform them of that body as appointed by the Argentines. In short, my colleagues and I were in line with what is heard, and really learned a lot We loved visiting the establishment, because although we had heard of ANSES, we had never done it this way, so explicit.
Nerina Baleix - Year 5.
Nerina Baleix - Year 5.
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