Very far
are words that get the imagination
and maybe that's the only thing
that I have won completely.
I want to run to the center of my bed sleeping
sure that
nightmares will not come tonight.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Can You Put Salt In A Electric Steamer?
indignant recital of poetry
Neorrabioso also called .
Here you have the event on Facebook.
not miss.
Neorrabioso also called .
Here you have the event on Facebook.
not miss.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Any Good Picnik Quotes You
Ya disponemos en el CEPT del servicio de conexión satelital a Internet que nos proporciona la DGC y E. y es administrado por la Unidad Ejecutora Provincial, departamento de Informática.
Roccosiffredi E Lillicarati
On May 4 receive in our medical center to Dr. Eduardo Pujol, Dr. Jorge Lucero and dentist Dr. Javier Ullua. Professionals attended the three to start the DRAFT HEALTH PROMOTION IN RURAL COMMUNITIES-driven Natural Area No. 3 of CEPT. In this instance students and teachers trained in areas such as public health, early detection of diseases, healthy habits, reinforced and filled with health cards, measuring blood pressure, taking height, weight and waist circumference, calculation of body mass index (IMC), the importance of a balanced diet and physical activity. 5th year students of the ES and Polimoda the 3rd year in this way to begin instruction on a vital issue as public health is to take the role of promoters of it. Coming to visit rural communities, our youth advocates, educators and health professionals to ensure your nest our work in this field. Note that this project comes within the framework of co-management with the city of Coronel Pringles with the secretaries of the areas of health, Dr. Eduardo Pujol, Social Development, Mr. Anahí López and Food Science Department in charge of Sergio Veterinarian Garcia with our community. Prof. D.
Martin Mario Salieri Film Onlaine
Virginia y Joaquín compartiendo una experiencia con Susana y sus chicos. |
Luego de recorrer el distrito de Coronel Pringles durante el 2010 y disfrutar el intercambio con nuestras comunidades arrancamos con entusiasmo un nuevo año de este proyecto. En esta ocasión concurrimos al Paraje Fra – Pal; con Susana, la docente primary school, we were prepared to share activities with students of the site and, as usual, and, between mates, cakes and laughter. From the CEPT concur Joaquin fourth-year student and teacher Virginia and Osvaldo. Joaquin was the official presenter and made the activities to be developed. This time about a distiller of our center for alcohol and water separated. Virginia told them of heterogeneous and homogeneous solutions. We talked also of the importance of water in human life and how to preserve it. We remain committed to a new meeting and to work in a community health project that our center is developing and we will carry forward all together in the coming months.
Folding Cloth Nappies
From April 11 the classroom space for classes Local Development 3rd Polimodal moved to place "the divider"
Thither multiareal moved the team this year that this year is headed by Attorney Gerard Hollmann, seconded by Noel Montenegro, Osvaldo Lalanne and Alexandra Hollmann. The site
students attended a talk with the people of CAL of "divide", its president Buedo Rosa, Mercedes Souto and Julio Barrere and some of families that benefited from the broiler breeding co-sponsored by the national state, FACEPT, CEPT No. 3 and CAL.
were the members of the community this time and delivered the class and alternation pedagogy gave another of his endless steps, the experience of community is known within it and becomes the CEPT know-organized. The note chart
future developers appear alongside community residents of the place. Slogans For A Cutural Fest
# acampadasol
We stopped being front page story to be neither in the media
the instant in which he said "democracy." We stopped being funny
youth with no future to be dangerous radical
when we started to ask
real change. We leave to be heard
proclaiming that yes,
than clear that we are anti,
against a world that kills the weak.
And now that you are nothing
warned that we will be everything.
We stopped being front page story to be neither in the media
the instant in which he said "democracy." We stopped being funny
youth with no future to be dangerous radical
when we started to ask
real change. We leave to be heard
proclaiming that yes,
than clear that we are anti,
against a world that kills the weak.
And now that you are nothing
warned that we will be everything.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Things To Do With A Rival Vacuum Sealer
Being unable to locate my home on a map,
be able to say I love you in a conversation,
be unable to send
shit who deserves it,
be unable to learn new things every day
be able to laugh at my own mistakes
and yours, and yet
be able to look in the mirror
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Bang Bross Is Legal Or Not
![]() |
The picture above shows that he left all of that animal. |
Braian Metz, is Year 2 student in our school and with his family enjoy traditional meetings such as the rodeo and native skills. From an early age he learned the art of riding a quiet and April 9 this year, with only 13, he won second prize at the rodeo of Tres Picos.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Colloidal Silver For Treating Bv
six candles
Today this blog is 6 years. Since I am a mess, I always realized the last birthday several weeks later. Therefore, this year I signed the date on your mobile. And as this trick has worked I can celebrate the sixth anniversary of my blog, it is saturated.
When you can hang a new poem, which is how they celebrate these things ("these things take place?): Continuing the blog.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hedge Fund Typical Bonus
On May 2, came to our establishment Nicolás Farías, Technical Coronel Pringles, and two technicians belonging to the Mar del Plata ANSES (National Security Social) to know about your Social Security Agency. It is intended to accompany us always, in every stage of our lives, our education, our jobs, our families, etc., Always have a way forward to improve, are committed and willing to carry it out.
criticism of my colleagues

On May 2, came to our establishment Nicolás Farías, Technical Coronel Pringles, and two technicians belonging to the Mar del Plata ANSES (National Security Social) to know about your Social Security Agency. It is intended to accompany us always, in every stage of our lives, our education, our jobs, our families, etc., Always have a way forward to improve, are committed and willing to carry it out.
This talk, to become more bearable, it was a "workshop" for better incorporation of these new concepts or heard before, but without a specific explanation or easy to assimilate what surrounds us such as:
* Cuil (Unique Code Job ID)
* Family allowances (cash benefits that are likely to protect the Family in certain contingencies of their life. No part of salary. are mechanisms to redistribute income from the state . maintain a balance between wages and family burden)
* Universal for Child Allowance (Who can collect it? Unemployed, unregistered workers, Domestic Service and Social monotributistas)
* ART (Labor Risk Insurance)
* SIPA (System Integrated Social Argentino. "An Integral System and United" Law 26 425)
* "Connect Equality" (this program was created to provide answers to skills development necessary to handle new languages \u200b\u200bproduced by the Information Technology and Communication)
* Sustainability Assurance Fund (Its goals are to: seek to contribute to the implementation of its resources, sustainable development of the national economy, lessen the financial impact that the public welfare system could carry the negative trend in economic and social variables, constituted as a reserve fund to implement an adequate investment of financial surpluses of the public pension system, guaranteeing a pension of them, contributing to the preservation the value and / or profitability of the Fund; address any shortcomings in the financing of public pension system in order to preserve the amount of pension benefits)
All these concepts, and so on were explained at its greatest extent by the task, leaving both students and teachers with a clear and precise form and function with these people working to improve the situation of the Company.
criticism of my colleagues
The vast majority, was very interested in the technical exhibition, were very attentive and also be noted that they liked that a group of people to inform them of that body as appointed by the Argentines. In short, my colleagues and I were in line with what is heard, and really learned a lot We loved visiting the establishment, because although we had heard of ANSES, we had never done it this way, so explicit.
Nerina Baleix - Year 5.
Nerina Baleix - Year 5.
How Much Oil To Use For 32 Oz Popcorn Machine
already begun classes in the CEPT No. 36 "The Barrancosa" Saladillo party. This opening shows the vitality of the movement that is gaining greater presence in the province of Buenos Aires.
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As is traditional in the CEPT began visiting families, places and community institutions, which are assumed by the four areas and led by Professor Mark Vega brings her experience as a physical education teacher to handle the logistics of trips and find the moments where you work with recreation and physical activity. Participated in the visit Luciano Barzola teachers, Noel Montenegro, Alberto Villaverde, Daniel Love, Osvaldo José Julio Lalanne and Blacksmith.
First of all we thank the Municipality of Coronel Pringles and the Directorate of Sports and Tourism that takes us into his microphone. Without their contribution there lessons walk, so simple and powerful.
After sharing a roast together Relative family. |
Jessica, Lucia and Agustina in the museum of the Gauchos Cooker. |
We leave from the CEPT on April 13 at 8:00 am and arrived at Coronel Pringles to find an institution representative of the regional culture, such as "The Hearth of the Gauchos" Coronel Pringles. The friendly president, Luis Gomez told us the history of the institution, a pioneer of the tradition and preservation of our customs in Coronel Pringles. Then we do a tour of its extensive facilities and we marvel at the local museum which contains striking remains of pringlense history. From our view of total production, we saw how the community is organized to achieve cultural products of high value to the roots in the region and understanding of our ways.
Then we left the former town of Thought, founded by Hannibal Vanoli, who built and founded the store campaign "reconquista" store that eventually became known as "The Thought." Granted land to the railway station also a room for police and other services to schools. He faced his project Construction of a people. The town was founded on January 2, 1920 linear city, ie a major street along which was being built, streets perpendicular to delimit blocks.
Currently most of the houses are in ruins but living in the twelve families and CEPT is taking steps to improve the quality of life in the place. Hence, the visits will become more frequent, as the project progresses "Bright Thinking"
Timeline for the stay "Thinking" |
After visiting the school where he chatted with students, teachers and families, we continue the journey to the field where the family works Pariente that educates your child in the CEPT.
In this place, Sebastian and Paula, the hosts invited us to a tasty grilled lamb that was cooked for him and our colleagues in the production area and Alberto Villaverde Daniel Amores. While the roast
acquired just right, Sebastian showed us his work in the field and outlined the various tasks that allow you to raise horses, sheep, cows, pigs and a major agricultural production of wheat, soybeans and pastures.
"Juanse" our student 3, cooperates in productive tasks and complete the family a girl and a boy who currently attend the school of thought. " After the tour
productive and hearty lunch was enjoyed by visitors rides in the pasture the establishment. It should be noted that part of the land was "bought" by the students Henglan Mayra and Jessica Cross, which are free range but not exactly "on horseback." These organizations are recommended by the ATV and helmet. After
desgustar Matear and pastries de Paula, was for the final visit to the ranch "Thinking" founded in 1881 and holds a museum as rich as unknown for most pringlenses. Touring is like entering a time tunnel in residence suffered harassment led to the raids and legends that will be addressed in the corresponding areal spaces.
at 19 pm. returned to CEPT with convenient service that gives us the local micro driving our friend Luis Guevara.
Can Having The Flu Early Period
Teachers No. 3 thank Ms. Nancy Klaassen, who offered his services as a nurse to vaccinate against influenza A.
This arose from a visit in his home by the teacher Alejandra Dupouey.
management As we continue to vaccinate students, some teachers have already tested the needle. Thanks Klassen.
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The CEPT No. 3 brings to a team Cogestiva Supervision by members of the Governing Body and teaching staff. Bernardo Aguero, Gerardo and Alejandra Dupouey Hollmann.
This team has two years accompanying management and training directors and teachers of the CEPT N ° 30 of August 17 and No. 31 Pablo Acosta.
Recently it has been held two meetings in the same people who left formed a board of directors in each, responsible for the political leadership of both CEPT.
This first milestone for the CEPT is No. 3 and their representatives, a great satisfaction and commitment of support to teaching teams and boards. Thus our school, makes its contribution to institutional strengthening in the Region IV.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Tan Tinged Discharge 1 Week Before Period
Our hands
The reality is a challenge.
The reality is an opportunity to fight
is my chance.
You decide if it will be yours too.
will open your eyes once, after so many
dark months,
to look you in the face.
you read lips and listen to your answers.
After fight, I'll see if you
or against you.
The reality is a challenge.
The reality is an opportunity to fight
is my chance.
You decide if it will be yours too.
will open your eyes once, after so many
dark months,
to look you in the face.
you read lips and listen to your answers.
After fight, I'll see if you
or against you.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Milena Velba 2010 Follando
Brown Tinged Cervical Mucus
The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli, accompanied by the Director General of Culture and Education, Mario Oporto and Land Affairs Minister, Ariel Franetovich, led today the launching of the Programme Strengthening Agricultural Education and delivery of equipment for 126 state agricultural schools and private management from different districts of the province, which was held in Parque Pereyra Iraola, in Berazategui.
During the ceremony, which also included 18 mayors, the provincial president said the goal is "to strengthen the agri-industrial and livestock." He also stressed that this is a "strategic sector" to promote the development of the province and "generate more roots inside." At the headquarters of the agricultural portfolio of Parque Pereyra Iraola, Governor promoted the "association of municipalities" to "map out" different regional aspects, as "putting the emphasis on production," according to the characteristics of different areas. Scioli gave
bee kits, bovine genetics, horticulture and grinding to train students in beekeeping activities, trained in plant production and biotechnology, and thus prepare to develop as future producers.
In the case of horticulture, the kit will allow both the self food and the possibility to start in different cultures, building on the learning of tasks requiring specific knowledge. Also, the materials provided take into account the diversification of production, care of natural resources and productive efficiency required in this type of production.
Rural Affairs Minister explained that the program launched "serves the dual purpose of strengthening agricultural education working together with Education and complementing the agricultural policies of the Province, and explained that "kits livestock genetics and biotechnology to strengthen our Plan Livestock farming familiarize students with the use of available technology. The kit is basic nutritional grain for meat processing. The delivery of beekeeping material undoubtedly strengthens and enhances the production of this activity and provincial programs. "
"We also supply materials for the construction of a greenhouse of 320 square meters and tools that allow students to be trained in vegetable production, both in field and under cover of different species and with different techniques," he added Franetovich.
Finally, the agricultural portfolio holder commented that "the Governor urged all areas, Rural Affairs, Education and Production, to work together in a province that has established itself as the productive engine of the country." Notably
as part of the Program for Strengthening Agricultural Education, the technical equipment distributed to schools today will Agricultural Education, Agricultural Education Centres (AEC) and Education Centers for Total Production (CEPT) of the provincial education system.
our CPT delegation was composed of Jorge Marquestaut and Daniel Amores, who traveled accompanied by Mr. Giorgio of agro-technical school and Mr. Tonelli, head of DIPROCO.
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our CEPT talks to form a list of teachers in the areas of Production and Natural. This will allow the appointment of a teacher in Production and alternate cover hours in both areas.
teachers were present colleagues Sebastian de la Canal, and Sergio Lopez of CEPT Guaminí who accompanied Mrs. Mary, the Governing Body of the CEPT. Also present was the Inspector of Agricultural Education Mirta Palace, representatives of SUTEBA and February, and the counselors Rachel Hull, Mariela Concetti, Bernardo Aguero and Emily Metz.
Sborrare In Bocca Alle Bambine
Thanks to a major joint management by the community of August 17, Puan and FACEPT Township, it was possible to build a new building for the CEPT N ° 30.
The same is equipped with amenities important to facilitate socio-educational process that takes place in it. It is noteworthy that not only opened the building but also the CEPT has a hectare of land for production
This CEPT worked so far in the place "La Manuela" will still be available that property for productive projects.
The inauguration which took place on 25 April, attended by the Director of Agricultural Education Richard Peters, Deputy Director of the same portfolio, Dante Irigoyen, Provincial Delegate of FACEPT José Luis Blanco, municipal authorities and the CEPT Puán Guaminí 3 and 6.
We represented the student Federico Zapata, Mr. Bernardo Aguero and teachers and Gerardo Alejandro Dupouey Hollmann.
More than 300 guests shared a barbeque in the facilities of local clubs.
Who Did Use Aminexil By Kerastase
On April 28 of 2011 gathered in the dining room to listen to a training center in charge of Mr. Leonardo Canada. It is registered with the Safe Schools Program, and focused on Firefighting and Evacuation. These students we were 3 and 4 of ES, teachers and support staff.
On April 28 of 2011 gathered in the dining room to listen to a training center in charge of Mr. Leonardo Canada. It is registered with the Safe Schools Program, and focused on Firefighting and Evacuation. These students we were 3 and 4 of ES, teachers and support staff.
agreement is an executive unit with the foundation UOCRA. To kick Leonardo told us that there are different classes of fire, we must follow certain rules until they reach the right people in order to smother it.
We talked about the theory of fire, the source of the problem and ways to control it, what are the causes of fire, said most fires are due to cigarette butts, given that smokers throw them by reflex without seeing where they fall. Then come the electrical accidents due to the indiscriminate use of "sneakers." Thirdly, the intentional, people burning grass and accidentally they can start other fires. Accidents in workshops, grinders, welders, etc. Gas cylinders are often exploited.
noted the need to know the security features, to develop a warning system manually, eg in certain cases whistles or horns used court to be heard a signal in case of fire. Smoke detectors are important and need not have detectors of great value in the market are low priced. It is very important the role of fire extinguishers. It is essential also a good sign for the emergency exits as well as emergency lighting and doors open in the direction of traffic in an evacuation
extinguisher can be used to extinguish the fire, to keep at bay in For a large-scale fire waiting to escape the fire or if they block out a large fire.
Leonardo left to say goodbye to our principal task in the best style alternation task to appoint persons to carry out the task in case of disaster
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sample Of Salutatory Address In Elementary
The world has become a being
prancing like circus. We
juggling with the news that we have touched
in luck,
no time to read sentences. Think
burn the day's newspapers, as well
stop being authentic
the absurd answers that gives us the reality.
Close your eyes and throw
rage lit behind us,
to burn what we already traveled with our steps
And you know,
can be next.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Driver Xp Pctv 150e/55e
One spring morning in 1974
awoke that neighboring country,
land of brotherhood.
dawned on radio on,
grândola villa brown
left the army to the streets with their weapons
at the point of carnation.
The people are the most orders, took to the streets
on every corner, a friend
in every face, equality.
the shade of an oak
threw the people the dictator.
1974. April 25. 2011.
will not abandon.
not abandon the corners. Because
Lisbon, sister city,
kidnap you again.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
What Is The Best Ph For Hair
\u0026lt;!--[ if! supportLineBreakNewLine] ->
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The Pontaut Choclair - Pringles had on Friday April 8, 2011 the first edition a resounding success. Pontaut
is a town belonging to the party of General La Madrid, but is located just 30 miles from Pringles, which is why The Choclair terms associated with the two communities. Participated in the project, the Educational Center for Total Production No. 3 Don Alfredo, both Agrotécnica School Pringles, and the Educational Center for Total Production Pontaut No. 22.
In regard to raising money, students in these institutions decided benefit the following institutions:
is a town belonging to the party of General La Madrid, but is located just 30 miles from Pringles, which is why The Choclair terms associated with the two communities. Participated in the project, the Educational Center for Total Production No. 3 Don Alfredo, both Agrotécnica School Pringles, and the Educational Center for Total Production Pontaut No. 22.
In regard to raising money, students in these institutions decided benefit the following institutions:
In Coronel Pringles Home for Girls. Collaboration to buy a computer and fax. Sowing
In Coronel Pringles Home for Girls. Collaboration to buy a computer and fax. Sowing
soles: Working to complete the construction of a bath. Workshop
protected "Hope Partnership to acquire tools to operate a machine for making chocolate.
- In General La Madrid. Club Deportivo
Barracks. Partnership to implement a healthy snack for children and young people attending the club.
the corn collection began at 15 and finished at 16.30. "It was a real day of solidarity," said Daniel Love, Production Coordinator CPT No. 3, who along with directors and teachers of the institution accompanied at work to the students of 3 rd and 4 th ES, who met his tenure at the Centre and were summoned for the occasion.
the corn collection began at 15 and finished at 16.30. "It was a real day of solidarity," said Daniel Love, Production Coordinator CPT No. 3, who along with directors and teachers of the institution accompanied at work to the students of 3 rd and 4 th ES, who met his tenure at the Centre and were summoned for the occasion.
were obtained as about 80,000 corn, resulting in 45,000 food rations.
In this case, the corn harvest was allocated to the Food Bank city Buenos Aires, and in total, approximately 400 people including children, adolescents and adults.
In this case, the corn harvest was allocated to the Food Bank city Buenos Aires, and in total, approximately 400 people including children, adolescents and adults.
The group that attended |
Teachers also worked |
Rest after task |
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¿Qué es La Chocleada?
“La Chocleada” ( ) consiste en la recolección manual de una hectárea de maíz, donada por un productor agrícola, cuando el mismo se encuentra en estado de choclo para su consumo; la recolección es realizada por los alumnos de los secundarios más próximos a la hectárea, los familiares, amigos de los mismos y las empresas que desean participar involucrando a sus empleados. Una vez recolectado y embolsado, el producto es enviado al Banco de Alimentos ( ) closest to the hectare donated, who will distribute the collected directly to the needy. The whole process from start collecting until the product reaches the dining is done in about 24 hours.
"The Corn" aims to mobilize our society in general and high school students in particular, to benefit thousands of people who do not know, thousands of Argentines and Uruguayans who have not secured their daily meal , and dozens of neighbors of their own community, our towns and cities involved in institutions (NGOs) in public good.
"The Choclair" seeks local support from area businesses, a token payment at harvest (1 corn = 1 peso), whose amount is given to the weakest institutions belonging to the communities participating schools. Institutions interested in receiving the money should introduce students to their needs and problems, so thus the students know and understand their requirements and then decide on a more informed benefit to handing money institution. This way we engage students in community problems.
With the effort and commitment of more than 5000 volunteers this year will be held on 30 corn to be harvested and delivered nearly 1,500,000 dishes and collected approximately $ 550,000 in donations to be given to social organizations outside the community where corn is being performed.
Front Bay Headphone No Sound
I will confess that I dreamed
to kill several birds with one stone
and my sentence
apologizing to those who have hurt me. Resumirte my life I can
agreements that never fulfilled, I did not finish
hugs and kisses that I gave more.
agreements will continue to breach, and ended the embrace
you did not think me and for once I will not throw the first kiss
for fear of rejection. Stop hiding mysteries
between bites,
things only fuck
story when I tell you now,
Mysore Mallige Chethana Prithvi
April 25 and 25 years left! TRIBUTE TO
Fiesta 25th Anniversary of the United Left
Saturday April 30, 2011 at 12:00
Place: Plaza de las Vistillas. Madrid
celebrate the April 30 the 25 anniversary of the founding of the United Left party that will last a whole day in Madrid: Tomorrow
public debate "the faces of the crisis" with Lara Cayo
Eating People Late-Night
Debate: the future of the left
Performances: José María Alfaya
(singer survivor)
Leo Basi (jester)
Ismael Serrano (singer)
May (popular music)
Habanera Union (Cuban music) Jean-Luc Godard
Street Band (rockabilly protest)
Chiko Corn (hip-hop of Valencia)
and + friends + surprises
19:30 pm Rally with Lara Cayo Video
25 years of IU
Exhibition of posters, books, room Child ... Free admission
anti-crisis prices
Sunday, April 17, 2011
How To Replace A Tripod
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Home of the ride |
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bowling Front |
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inner courtyard of the Mill and bowling |
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CEPT Families past and present, Pariente, Cristina and Raquel Cazenave, Canabal |
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3rd Nahuel Canabal Polimodal |
The Celebration Committee for the Restoration of the Old Bowling Store The Hawk, held on 9 and 10 April a Ride and bowling in the same Spot facilities in adherence to the Declaration of Historical Monument.
departed from Pringles on Saturday 9 April, in the bowling was enabled a canteen which held the bowling.
The CEPT No. 3 has been the student continued to place many families and therefore adheres to the acts. Many of our families attended the event and the graphic note realize it.
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