Friday, March 20, 2009

2006 Kates Playground

From Playoff STPSyP

Sign cooperation agreement with Ministry of Labour AC Pro Productive Employment Foundation

* Veracruz will remain vigilant, and will leave for job protection and preservation of investments: AZM * Secretary of Labor and Proempleo, narrow efforts.

Xalapa, Veracruz March 19, 2009 .- In order to join efforts to provide tools needed to underemployed and unemployed people in Xalapa, and micro and small entrepreneurs independent, the Foundation for AC Productive Employment and the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Productivity, signed today an agreement which establishes a strategic alliance to strengthen the Employment Support Programs.

During the ceremony Dr. Salvador Gómez Merlo, vice president of Pro Jobs talked about the importance of joining efforts private and public sectors to support the target population in difficult times that are derived from the global crisis.

In turn, David Bouchez Gómez, President of the State Training and Employment (ESCC) said that together with the Universidad Veracruzana and the Foundation for Employment, National Employment Service (SNE) multiplied its reach to encourage investment and development of micro, noting that most of them only have a productive life of less than one year.

After a tour of the facilities of the Foundation for Employment, CP Reyeros Rodrigo Campos, President of the Foundation in Xalapa, said the growth of programs that operate nationally and recognized the government of Fidel Herrera Beltrán for their commitment in the creation and strengthening of companies in Veracruz and Xalapa special.

The agreement provides support by means of material and human resources, for individuals to be employed or self-employed, emphasis on entrepreneurial initiatives, production and training to create or improve a small business.

turn, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, who attended with Dr. Edda Arrez Rebolledo, Director General of the SNE, pledged joint efforts between public and private sector to support the government joint pact to confront the crisis that had issued in recent months the Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán, noting that in light of the economic recession, only the social dialogue with the productive sectors, with commitments and strengths of employers and concrete actions by the public sector at all levels, is how you can mitigate the worst effects of the crisis in the state, "Veracruz will remain vigilant, and will break at work for job protection and preservation of investment, only then will we be able to grow in adversity." Said Secretary of Labor in the state.

Also, the agreement signed between the state agency and the Civil Association, includes training, support for productive projects through the Self-Employment Promotion and direct coordination of all programs operated by the Ministry of Labour through the National Employment Service


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