Arnaldo-the-Dalmatian gets on his bike still half asleep. He went to the set of her new movie recording promising launch to fame once and for all. But something happened.
In the first corner on the left something is wrong. Arnaldo falls and bangs his head against the asphalt. Unconscious. The ambulance doctor Alejandro duck comes in a few seconds and transferred to hospital Carlos Van Buren.
Arnaldo wakes up with a strong light in his eyes. A doctor observes the reaction. Something is wrong, it can be seen in the face of Dr. Alexander. After a series of tests, Arnaldo sit in the office. As I speak, the face of our actor Dalmatian change radically. I will not expected.

The diagnosis was a Vision Syndrome Degenerative . For now the use of special glasses, later who knows. But what does Arnold was sure that the world is not ready for him. Unfairly he shall be adapted.
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