ant in his 4x4 and cow asks Bernard if you want to take her to work, what the cow was delighted Bernarda.
As they drive to work, Cilantro ant asks him what his mother is Esperanza turtle. Bernarda cow somewhat distressed ant she tells her mother Cilantro Hope turtle is not quite right. Hope
The turtle was in a rehabilitation center for alcoholics, there had been several months now. Cilantro ant could not believe it, he says it feels, while the cow is released Bernarda whining, Cilantro ant takes a silk scarf coffee his front compartment 4x 4.
The turtle was in a rehabilitation center for alcoholics, there had been several months now. Cilantro ant could not believe it, he says it feels, while the cow is released Bernarda whining, Cilantro ant takes a silk scarf coffee his front compartment 4x 4.
After a few moments of awkward silence, in which the ant Cilantro did not know how Bernarda cow comfort, arrive at the parking building from their jobs, are lowered, while the cow dries Bernarda last tears.
enter the building and the concierge Cote giraffe gives his usual good morning greeting, follow their course and Bernarda cow asks his secretary, Gonzalo lion, if you received a call from his personal friend the Raul cat. Gonzalo lion nods and passes a paper with the word cat Raul.
The cow walks into his office Bernarda and immediately receives a call asking where the rabbit shit Pancha had left the keys to what the cow Bernarda calmly replied that he had left it where ever, under the doormat. The rabbit Pancha angry and cuts off the cow hangs Bernarda indifferent. Call
Gonzalo lion so you will not spend more calls, turn on your computer and start working.
Gonzalo lion so you will not spend more calls, turn on your computer and start working.
In the left pane of the cow monkey looks Bernarda Jorge and makes some strange signs, Bernarda cow looks and opens the window to know what you want so badly Jorge monkey. Jorge monkey tells her that her mother, Esperanza turtle, just to escape rehabilitation center for alcoholics, and is at the corner bar taking up by the ears. Bernarda cow running out to get her mother turtle Hope that dive, but when it reaches the tortoise Hope was already in bad condition, emergency call 911, get an ambulance and told him that his mother, Esperanza turtle, is in a coma and not much hope of survival.
Octopus Fernando, paramedic, suggests that the cow Bernarda say goodbye to his mother, because it has more than 3 minutes to live. When the cow was going to say a few words to say goodbye, the turtle Esperanza meets the little strength he had left and stopped confessing that she is not his legitimate daughter, but was taken by her when she was two years of life, and that her real mother is the ant cilantro. After the mother sighs, turtle Hope dies in the arms of Bernarda cow.
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