start classes 20 TH ANNIVERSARY THE CEPT No. 3 Beginnings program CEPT our area date back to the años89 / 90. The onset occurs from a need shared by many farm families of the place that belonged to the educational community of rural School No 19.La dilemma that arose at all to continue living in the countryside and to give their children a secondary education that would prepare them for the future. At that time, the only possibility that existed was to travel to the nearest town (Saldungaray, Cabildo, Cnel.Pringles), some had to travel several miles to reach middle school, leaving in the morning and returning in the afternoon, other definitively moved to urban centers by initiating the process of uprooting the rural environment.
Strategic Plan
This need to preserve the roots, the family experiences was prompting, several marriages. start working on a project for middle school from elementary school.
Soon we had our first meeting with the community and the leaders of the CEPT program.: Sabina Bacalini and Paul Knopp. This first stage where we presented the program, taught us much mobilize the community to hear and be heard, in a rural community in which the various actors only we had the opportunity to participate through cooperative or some experience of agricultural cooperative. It was a time long talks, reflections, an opportunity one participant said "we are in the Argentina ?, as no other experience I knew that we had, besides recreate and strengthen the idea that parents were the primary educators, knowing what is best for their children
What could be perceived in the community was on the one hand the willingness of parents to give to secondary education their children, and the other the love of place, wanting to stay in the middle and keep the core family together.
The CEPT program gave us a broad response, development of critical thinking to reality and above all a space for participation.
This group began to meet regularly, in this spirit and all that stage was a living and then understand and accept everything that involved the co-gestión.Las things we are not givens, everything was done , with the usual struggles, challenges, failures and victories.
This figure of co-management is linked to the self, is one of the most innovative and transforming the educational work of this program. community learned to organize, meet, and lines of action guidelines for carrying out the tasks proposed.
Then next to the state intervened in the co- administrative and pedagogical, participatory experience, helped develop in everyone a concern and willingness to make democracy a reality not only for this community but for the entire society. It made many trips to La Plata , meetings with the school board of Cnel.Pringles that relied heavily on previous work.
Mr. Alfredo Casali offers place to run the center, and this made it much easier to continue the project.
It provides the first interim Governing Council, traveling to Belgrano CEPT to know the No. 1 at that time there were only two: the Gral.Belgrano No. 1 and No. 2 San A. Giles.
already formed the council begins to adapt the workplace, seeking registration, and future teachers.
In this stage worked a lot, every weekend the CEPT was the place of encounter and solidarity work. We knew it was not going to eat or take a nice community educational experience, but we accept the challenge of building and becoming a part of this design.
The CEPT No. 3, opened on March 11 1991con an enrollment of 21 students