Monday, April 23, 2007

How To Change Mw2 Patches

A clock moved slowly

For many years, got up early to go to school clocks,
practiced every evening and did their homework I watch, watches and clocks III II. Until finally took the title of professional alarm.

Over time waking time met his little mistress.
was true, had never failed him, enjoyed the full confidence of the child.
So every night the little activated the alarm and programmed for it to wake to go to school.
But one day it did not happen, the clock had fallen asleep and the girl he had also failed to check in time at his school.

outraged mother enters the room of the girl and says

-! How you can not set the alarm an hour!!? -

The distraught girl and a half sleepy, did not understand what had happened and asked him tirelessly
mother "But

What happened?, what's wrong mommy? - said the girl

She felt bad, she had not committed the error, approaches the clock to make sure she did what was scheduled at 7 am.

approach sees the clock and his eyes looked terrible guilt that he felt the poor clock.
As the girl approached him, and reproaching thought alarm:

- How, after so many years of training I've failed this innocent girl? -

not ever forgive him. He thought about killing and dying cells. But no deal was small and if it needed to go directly to the trash can.

The child reaches the shelf where the alarm was located, it looks and hits on one side. From time to time the clock stops

was not the fault of neither.
like every night She had programmed the alarm itself.

But he had fulfilled his days of life, its batteries were exhausted.
For more than 3 years had given timely that girl. But now it was time to say goodbye to those cells that had accompanied him during those years. Two days

alarm was not working poor without fulfilling the function for which it was intended. Thought it would be abandoned, never to mark a second.

Unexpectedly, the girl enters the room,
cells develops their original packing and installed in the back of the clock.

-Tic-tac - checked the clock again.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Can I Use Baking Paper As Rolling Paper

today is my lucky day

I climb into my car of the future egg,
under me in the eighth tag left
turn off the radio while playing a song
Nicole Pauly recommended me the other day, I
under the car and is an octopus with tentacles, and 6
me pulls out a hand for being parked on the side of
the cloud. I do not care, all the Andy
also fined for the same. I keep walking and a baker gives me a marraqueta,
French bread or bread batter as you mean, I turn and find a frog
I check the "seal" and says that walk faster, I do
on one side and the toad is sucamino. I pause a second to
hear the sound and the accordion was My grandfather came
making noise. I bend down to pick a flower and a flock of birds
passports over me.
-seems that I'm lucky today, I say-
And that a star leaves the house to water the garden which I took the flower. After greeting
follow my way and a window falls on a dog,
thanks to my great agility to tackle the achievement and I'll take it.
I continue walking with the dog, that at
other is called Mara, and a small child
over and asked if he could pat the dog
you nod and
are both happy for a while and I
with arms
somewhat exhausted.

Finally, I reached the bank, among
and there is a des-assault with a deadly armed
shot me to the ground by the imminent danger of not passing anything
me, crawling toward a guard that is
right next to me asked me how long this and
says a couple of minutes, the assailants took about 50 weight
, approach the entrance to the bank and through the air and all
los santos llega la brigada de conejos policiales, los capturan con gran éxito
y puedo pagar mis cuentas.

Me dirijo hacia mi auto por la vereda de enfrente, todo sigue con
normalidad como siempre, saco el parte que dejó el pulpo
policía de 6 tentáculos en el parabrisas de mi espectacular
auto huevo del futuro. Me subo, prendo la radio y sigue
mi canción favorita recomendada por mi exquisita
y tiernilla amiga Pauly, enciendo el motor de
azúcar y vuelvo a mi querido hogar.